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Must Read Vitamins and Minerals To Be Banned

From time to time, an issue comes along that is so important that we have to devote a newsletter to it, in preference to promoting our products for our short term interest. This is one of those times.

The banning, within months of something as innocuous as vitamins and minerals. Seems incredible doesn't it? Would and could the EU really ban most vitamins and minerals from being available in meaningful dosages? Is something as surreal as this really happening? Unfortunately the answer is yes, and it is very likely under the soon to be finalised EU regulations, and things are not looking good at all.

All this despite the fact that there was not even one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008, according to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

(It is conservatively estimated that around 200,000 Americans and 40,000 Brits die every year from the use of correctly prescribed conventional medications).

Yet the EU do not seem to be interested in these facts. Read full newsletter here:

Friday 25 March 2011

The Health Benefits of Iodine For Thyroid Health

For years, it has been common medical knowledge that iodine has a clear and crucial relationship to the thyroid gland. And scientific research has supported this fact time and time again.

Iodine and Thyroid Health

Historically, this critical link between iodine and thyroid health has been of key importance to governments and global health care organizations, as iodine deficiency is the single most common trigger for the incidence of preventable brain damage and retardation in children.

In fact, studies show that lack of iodine can lead to a multitude of highly preventable conditions such as growth impairment, goiters, general immune weakness, autism, miscarriages and other birthing complications. Studies are now looking into more links between iodine levels and child mental development, as well as impairments in hearing, speech and movement.

There is a complex relationship between iodine and the thyroid gland, one that has scientists still scratching their heads. Research clearly affirms that iodine, a micronutrient present in many of the foods we eat (in trace amounts), is a key player in helping the thyroid gland make thyroid hormones. As the body cannot produce iodine by itself, we are required to get it from the foods we eat or supplemental sources.

Sadly, as micronutrient concentrations in the soils are depleted, due to natural or toxic-overload factors, the foods that used to hold iodine have been depleted of their natural levels. And it is our thyroid gland that suffers. Moreover, people have gone from eating plant and sea-based foods, to processed junk foods. Again, iodine levels suffer.

Thyroid Gland Illustration
Illustration of the Thyroid Gland

The thyroid gland is commonly referred to as the “master gland.” One of the largest endocrine glands in the body, it is responsible for a variety of super-important processes such as the use of energy, the creation of proteins and our overall reaction to other forms of hormones. The key bodily functions that the thyroid manages are impossible to implement without the creation of its main hormones, known as T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine). The thyroid cannot make these two hormones without first hosting three and four iodine molecules (as well as the trace nutrient tyrosine) in both of these two main hormones.

The body does this by capturing iodine from the blood stream, and encasing it in a “iodine trap.” Without the correct amounts of iodine, these hormones cannot be produced, and when this occurs, your health may suffer drastically.

In fact, T3 and T4 are critical in a well-functioning metabolism, include metabolic rate, as well as the growth and smooth functionality of almost all of the body’s major organ systems. Research shows that, on a daily basis, a minimum of approximately 70 µg of iodine is needed to produce T3 and T4 hormones in the thyroid gland every day. Moreover, when the thyroid does not have enough iodine, it can’t fulfill its ability to produce calcitonin, a chemical related to the body’s ability to keep calcium levels in balance.

In this sense, its easy to see how the delicate relationship between the thyroid gland and iodine levels are key in our overall sense of health. Without iodine, energy levels plummet, hormones can become unbalanced, and our our physical and emotional states can suffer.

Many thyroid problems come from a lack of iodine. In fact, in many areas of Europe, Russia, Asia, Australia and Africa, iodine deficiency is a serious health concern. Sadly, this deficiency may be more common in the West than we realize. In general, scientists agree that iodine deficiency is still a serious global health issue, and that insufficient levels of iodine in the thyroid is the most common cause of global brain damage. Estimates show that approximately 1.6 billion people are at risk for brain damage due to lack of iodine, and that these numbers fall heavily on unborn fetuses and children. Globally, a lack of iodine will effect around 50 million children.

Another staggering statistic from the World Health Organization estimates that around 1 billion people will suffer from some form of health issue due to a lack of iodine in the diet. Estimates on countries in Latin America, for example, show that up to one fourth of the population show risk for goiters, due to faulty thyroid function, and a lack of iodine in their diets. And it is not only a problem of the developing world.

A 1998 report from The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reported that rates of iodine deficiency had dramatically increased in the United States over the past 20 years. In fact, the number of U.S. residents with low intake of iodine had increased four fold. These scientists suggested that lowered rates of iodine intake could be traced to dietary changes.

Because of the complex balance of amounts of iodine in the thyroid, it is simplistic to think we can all just begin taking iodine to solve our thyroid problems. Some people suffering from thyroid imbalances have a genetic condition, such as the case of the most common thyroid condition, known as autoimmune thyroid disease.

It is important to determine if the condition is based on iodine lack, and this can generally be determined by looking at geographic location (i.e. a place where iodine is lacking in soils), as well as diet. A qualified doctor or nutritionist can easily let you know your current iodine levels through a simple urine test. Be aware, a small percentage of people are iodine sensitive, so monitor yourself closely, and begin supplementing with nascent atomic iodine in small amounts to prevent a thyroid flare-up.

Keeps the levels of iodine in the thyroid in balanceImproves the function of the Thyroid & Endocrine SystemMay improve emotional disorders by balancing glandular systemsHelps regulate hormone imbalances associated with weight gainWorks as a moisturizing expectorant aiding the respiratory tractHelps protect the thyroid from absorbing radio-active isotopesAssists in improving brain development, thinking & reduction of brain fogMay assist in reducing or preventing goitersAids in the improvement of autistic childrenHelps aid digestion, transit time and normal bowel functionIncreased energy & stamina have been reportedSupports breast milk production & quality. Also transfers to infantAssists Immune System ActivityHelps balance body odors (vaginal, foot, underarm, etc.)Helps detoxify harmful halogens like Mercury, Bromides, Fluoride, etc.

View the original article here

12 Uses For Iodine (And Other Useful Tips, Research & Resources)

The following article will give you a better understanding of the most common uses of iodine as a supplement, as outlined by clinical research and by the University of Maryland Medical Center.

Additionally, you will also learn about a simple at-home test that can give you a better idea if you have an iodine deficiency.

1. Radiation Exposure
Potassium iodine has been used to help individuals exposed to radiation by reducing the harmful accumulation of radioactive substances in the thyroid. However, It has been said that nascent atomic Iodine may be 4-7 times more effective than potassium iodide and is much safer to use.

2. General Use as a Sterilizing Agent
Almost all sterilization products for the body have iodine. It is a wonderful wound cleaner, and has even been used to purify water in tablet or liquid form.

3. Preventing Goiter
Inflammation of the throat area and thyroid gland is known as a “goiter.” To prevent this condition, it is suggested to take the daily recommended amounts of a nascent atomic iodine supplement to boost overall thyroid health.

4. Boosting Metabolism
Due to improper thyroid function, metabolism of the body may slow down. Supplementing with nascent atomic iodine may help ensure the smooth functioning of the thyroid gland which in turn helps regulate the metabolism. It can also aid the body in keeping warmth, steadying the heart rate, maintaining a health body weight, and promoting overall digestive health. Here are a few more tips to boosting metabolism.

5. Bacterial Infections
A nascent atomic iodine solution can be used to assist the body in fighting off bacterial infections such as conjunctivitis. Using an iodine tonic as a throat gargle is also helpful for a cough. Iodine also acts as an expectorant of mucous for colds and flu.

6. Breast Health
Much research is currently being conducted on the role of iodine in breast health, including both the prevention of breast cancer, and overall shape and function. Similarly, iodine is a key mineral in mother’s milk, and is passed on to children for their proper growth and development. However, most nursing mothers are extremely deficient in Iodine.

7. Ovarian Health
Again, much research confirms the link between a lack of iodine and ovarian problems, such as cysts, and reproductive ability.

8. Neurological Health
Children can suffer from mental illness and disabilities due to a lack of iodine. It is important that mothers supplement with this micronutrient as a preventative measure. I recommend using only a safe nascent atomic iodine.

9. Vaginitis
Iodine douches have been used to reduce vaginal inflammation, itching and discharge associated with chronic yeast infections.

10. Eye Health
Iodine is commonly used as a treatment for a number of different eye conditions. It is also a natural protectant against UVB radiation.

11. Skin & Hair Health
Iodine is a common aid for skin conditions, such as acne, as well as hair loss. The healthy development of skin, teeth, nails and bone are all related to normal iodine levels.

12. Powerful Antioxidant
Iodine is just as important as vitamin C in terms of antioxidant activity. Specifically, it is a strong antioxidant for the blood. Learn more about the benefits of antioxidants.

Taking an iodine supplement is easy, safe and effective. Although it has a mild metallic taste, it can be taken in fruit juice or water.

Normally, iodine is taken in its sodium iodide form, but I recommend using a more bio-available form of nascent atomic iodine. This form can more readily be absorbed by the human body and tissues.

Purchase a USP Tincture of Iodine from your local drugstore. Use a cotton ball to absorb some iodine from the tincture.Rub about the size of a silver dollar of iodine on your upper inner arm midway between the bicep and tricep muscle. Note the time of application.If the brownish/orange color disappears within 2-4 hours after application you are extremely deficient and could use supplementation. If you are not deficient in iodine then the circle should remain slightly orange 24 hours later.

NOTE: USP Iodine tinctures or solutions you purchase at a drugstore are not for internal or supplemental use. Do not ingest! If you are deficient use a safe nascent atomic iodine supplement.

Drug Interactions: Consult with your doctor before supplementing with iodine if you are currently taking antithyroid drugs, Lithium or Warfarin, as iodine may interfere with the action of these medications.

Effect of 10 yr of the iodine supplementation on the hearing threshold of iodine deficient schoolchildren. PMID: 16218041Iodine deficiency in 2007: global progress since 2003. PMID: 18947032Mastodynia due to fibrocystic disease of the breast controlled with thyroid hormone. PMID: 7316045Increased incidence of thyrotoxicosis after iodine supplementation in an iodine sufficient area. PMID: 8006325Effectiveness of povidone-iodine in the treatment of non-specific vaginitis. PMID: 2359507Effects of applying povidone-iodine just before skin closure. PMID: 16490976Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism (iodine-induced Basedow’s disease): a current disease picture. PMID: 10407936Medical management of persistent or recurrent differentiated thyroid carcinoma. PMID: 19040983Control of efficiency and results, and adverse effects of excess iodine administration on thyroid function. PMID: 9084691Effects of excess iodine administration on thyroid function in euthyroid patients with a previous episode of thyroid dysfunction induced by interferon-alpha treatment. PMID: 9373459Over-the-counter and alternative medicines in the treatment of chronic vaginal symptoms. PMID: 9207812Iodine and thyroid function. PMID: 9365722Variability of iodine content in common commercially available edible seaweeds. Thyroid. PMID: 15588380The efficacy of povidone-iodine pessaries in a short, low-dose treatment regime on candidal, trichomonal and non-specific vaginitis. PMID: 8290459Zimmermann MB, Jooste PL, Pandav CS. Iodine-deficiency disorders. Lancet. 2008 Oct 4;372(9645):1251-62. PMID: 18676011Institute of Medicine. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron, Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. Read the Dietary GuidelinesDietary Guidelines for Americans 2005, according to the US Dept of Health and Human Services and US Dept of Agriculture; 2005. Read the Dietary Guidelines

View the original article here

Thursday 24 March 2011

Research: Probiotics Help Keep Your Immune System Ready to Fight Off Infections

Probiotics and Immune System

The ironic tendency for the long term use of anti-biotic drugs to cause secondary bacterial infections over time has troubled medical science for decades.

However, thanks to a recent discovery by researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, they may soon have a better understanding why.

The cause – as many of us in the natural health community have suspected for years – appears to be the destruction of beneficial bacteria that normally reside in the human digestive tract. It seems that the presence of this bacteria helps keep the body’s immune system better primed for action against transient, or “bad,” bacteria that may cause infection.

Professor of Microbiology and Pediatrics, Jeffrey Weiser, MD, gives the popular analogy of moving a car. That is to say, it’s significantly easier to move a car that’s engine is running at idle speed than one that hasn’t been switched on yet.

Senior author Jeffrey Weiser, MD, professor of Microbiology & Pediatrics: “One of the complications of antibiotic therapy is secondary infection. This is a huge problem in hospitals, but there hasn’t been a mechanistic understanding of how that occurs. We suggest that if the immune system is on idle, and you treat someone with broad-spectrum antibiotics, then you turn the system off. The system is deprimed and will be less efficient at responding quickly to new infections.” [1]

Resident beneficial bacteria appear to stimulate the production of a particular type of white blood cell, known as a neutrophil, which plays a large role in the human body’s natural ability to fight off foreign pathogens.

Not only do broad spectrum antibiotics kill off the infectious bacteria that causes illness, they also kill the harmless good bacteria as well. This essentially leads the neutrophils to enter a dormant state thereby slowing their response time when faced with a genuine threat. This gives invading bacteria an initial edge when it first enters the body.

Fortunately for individuals who have little choice but to use antibiotic drugs, studies in mice have shown that naturally occurring beneficial bacteria repopulate the digestive tract over time. This is because the bacteria itself is pulled directly from environmental sources such as air and water.

By quickly using up the resources that harmful bacteria need to thrive, probiotics act as a sort of temporary cleaning crew that help prime the digestive tract for more permanent beneficial bacteria. Once they have served their purpose, they are gently passed with other waste from the body.

In order to create a more hospitable intestinal environment for healthy bacteria to colonize, I also recommend using a quality probiotic supplement such as Latero-Flora and Garden of Life’s Primal Defense Ultra.

Latero-Flora is one of the finest probiotic supplements available anywhere in the world. It’s unique formula is derived from microorganisms found in Icelandic soil. As one of the best probiotic supplements, Latero-Flora is 100% safe and all natural. I personally take it every morning, and so does my family.

One alternative to taking a probiotic supplement, is to eat an abundance of probiotic foods. These would include cultured yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, miso soup, tempeh, kimchi, blue-green algae and some dark chocolates. These would all make great additions to your diet, however, you’re still better off taking a probiotic supplement, as they have more microorganisms that are beneficial to your health.

If, for whatever reason, you are forced to take antibiotics, I strongly recommend that you supplement with Latero-Flora, or some other probiotic supplement, to help restore the natural balance of bacterial life your body depends on to function at its best. Not only will you feel healthier, but you will give your immune system the best chance to fight off infections.

Let me hear your thoughts! Do you take a probiotic supplement or eat probiotic foods? If so, please share your experience with everyone in the comments below.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Healthy Eating With Natural Organic Foods

How popular is organic food despite over some recent
years it has become more accessible to us as consumers, we still wonder whether
the extra cost packs any benefits which makes natural organic foods more of a
healthier option for us.  A lot of these health benefits have come by way of word of mouth with various promotions by advocates, which say natural organic eating must be the way forward of course.  Well there have been supported arguments coupled with solid research to back these claims up that organic foods should be as second nature, it’s an everyday thing in life.

More research has shown natural organic food tastes a whole lot better when taste tested against conventional foods; why not give yourself or family the experience of healthy eating for improved health.  The benefits for your health plus the environment will be a great deal better in the long run.  Below you will find information that will give you an idea or a start in the right direction.

Checkout Natural Organic Foods

Thursday 17 March 2011

Research: Children Born with Low Vitamin D Levels May Develop More Respiratory Infections

Any parent can tell you that respiratory infections are all too common in caring for a very small child. Bronchial infections are, in fact, one of the leading cause of hospitalization in American newborns.

Building upon earlier studies which indicate a strong connection between high blood serum concentrations of vitamin D and healthy immune function in adults, a Massachusetts General Hospital-based research team has recently published new findings which suggest a similar relationship for vitamin D in newborns and infants.

The team reexamined data sets previously collected as part of the New Zealand Asthma and Allergy Cohort Study — an often cited standard among pediatric researchers — to determine if there was a connection between vitamin D, asthma, and other forms of respiratory infection common in very young children.

The original New Zealand study followed over 1,000 local area children from birth through their first five years of life. Individual newborn vitamin D levels where initially measured using samples of umbilical cord blood. Three months following birth, and then annually thereafter, infant health was documented via a series of questionnaires. Emphasis was placed on signs of respiratory aliment (such as wheezing), asthma, and other forms of infectious disease in children.

While cord blood samples showed signs of low vitamin D levels in nearly all of the infants studied, upwards of 20% qualified as severely deficient. Children in this latter percentage were twice as likely to have suffered respiratory infection by their 3-month checkup.

Data collected over the next several years further supported these preliminary findings. The lower a given child’s vitamin D levels at birth, the more likely they were to have fallen ill due to respiratory infection.

However, much to the surprise of the followup researchers, a similar trend was not observed in instances of asthma.

While children with asthma whom had low vitamin D levels at birth were prone to attacks and other related complications, they did not appear statistically more likely than their less deficient peers to develop the condition itself. This suggests that the causes and triggers of asthma may well be wholly independent of one another.

Carlos Camargo, MD, DrPH & Lead Researcher for this Study: “Our data suggest that the association between vitamin D and wheezing, which can be a symptom of many respiratory diseases and not just asthma, is largely due to respiratory infections. Acute respiratory infections are a major health problem in children.” [1]

For all the remedies and preventatives directed at keeping young children healthy, modern medicine appears to have grossly underestimated vitamin D’s power when it comes to bolstering the human immune system. Evidence supporting this theory continues to mount — and this most recent study is only another drop in the bucket. In fact, other Vitamin D studies indicate it may help prevent the flu, prevent arterial stiffness and fight Crohn’s Disease… just to name a few.

A growing number of experts now recommend significantly increasing (perhaps even doubling) the current recommended daily intake of vitamin D, specifically because of it’s immune enhancing potential. No official changes have yet been made, but in the meantime, it may still be worth incorporating a high-quality vitamin D3 supplement into your family’s diet, as well as getting plenty of sun. This is the D3 supplement that I personally use and would recommend to everyone else.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Cure My Skin Problem Please!

Have you tried cocozone yet the things this one jar can do is no joke! See for yourself, have you ever wanted to treat a stubborn skin problem and don’t know what will work but you know there has to be something, well this could be it cocozone. Hitting the affected area combined with ozone that penetrates the skin when rubbed in, you will notice the benefits from this. Extreme skin conditions too simple skin related problems, like treating your hands from the wear and tear of work you may have to do as part of your job. The weather can leave exposed parts of the skin damaged..! Help repair it with this useful tub of cocozone, put it directly on wounds whether they be day to day minor cuts or bruises, right up to treating or healing a major wound. This is a very useful product to have at home or in the workplace, use it as your first aid buddy. Can also be used on animal wounds as it's natural. Get a jar or 2 of cocozone view here. Now how simple is that?

Monday 14 March 2011

Healthy Skin Natural Organic Skin Care

Have you ever thought why you should turn to organic skin care products?  With so many reasons to do so, not to mention while using conventional products you are absorbing the chemicals contained within these products through your skin.  To keep clear of the many common issues these chemicals have you should definitely look at the benefits of natural organic products.

Remember natural organic skin range products should only contain natural ingredients naturally.  While being aware of the effectiveness this has compared to say petroleum based waxes and so on that is put inside these conventional products.  You just have to think that organic products are meant to work in balance with you, just like the natural balance you have on earth.  So treat your skin right help enhance your natural healing abilities.

It is really down to us to be concerned with what we let enter our body through our skin or by what we consume as our diet.  You would also guess right there is more and more, lack of support for the crap that is thrown into the conventional products nowadays.  The purer the better natural organic healing products combine the ingredients which come from various sources of untreated natural land.  Meaning of farm land without herbicides and pesticides being involved, you also have sea products and botanicals.  Where it may be necessary for the use of semi synthetic ingredients in shampoos, soaps, and body washes, they are classed as still being healthy as part of the production of such products.

Keep in mind the structure of these ingredients stem from resources which are natural.  Most experts who are in the know, as their recommendation will inform and advise you to be in the know also with regards to skin care product ingredients. Be cautious of the unnatural chemical skin care ingredients when choosing.   If you would prefer check over where the ingredients have been collected produce or farmed.  Organic skin care products will contain some form of preservatives for the product to remain fresh for its purpose.  Again various essential oils, organic herbs comes into play to preserve products by way of natural anti bacterial anti fungal properties, preserving organic skin care products in airtight packaging prevents the build up of bacteria also.

Some products will have the need for additional preservatives, but there are various plant based oils which do have natural preserving properties this include various balms as well.  As we do absorb practically everything we put onto our skin good or bad, organic skin care products by far are the safest and definitely most effective products around.  Note that If you are of the sensitive skin type then natural organic skincare products is a must have in your life.  For a look at how you may benefit from these products click on UK product range.

Saturday 12 March 2011

14 Healthy Eating Tips (from our Facebook Fans)

Yesterday, we had a contest on our Facebook page. We asked everybody to share their favorite healthy eating tips with everybody, and the winners got a free T-Shirt and copy of our popular book, The Green Body Cleanse.

Facebook Contest - Healthy Eating Tips

The responses were just fantastic, so we wanted to share them with all of our blog readers. Check out all the healthy eating tips from our facebook fans below.

And if you ever want to win a free book, dvd or t-shirt, visit our facebook page every Wednesday. That’s the day we will be having a contest.

Come join in on the fun!

1. Andie -
Eat proteins & starches separate! about 3-5 hours apart. they digest at different ph levels and we don’t receive full nutritional value or digest them all the way when eaten together. vegetables go great with both tho! and it’s always a good idea to drink LOTS of water!! ?

2. Jeri -
The best thing I’ve ever done for my health (besides going 100% organic) is to start taking spirulina/chlorella, the health benefits are incredible, the best quality I’ve found comes from the watershed wellness center.

3. Terry -
Drink lots and lots of water… it helps cleanse toxins and provides hydration for your body.

4. Karen -
My Favorite Healthy Eating Tip is to use Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar… Cleared up years of allergy problems and lost 60 pounds, plus helped a lot with my achy joints… It’s very affordable even on the tightest budget, one can afford to buy it…

5. Brenda -
The best tip I give is to find a good tasting water and drink water most of the day. Avoid sweet drinks and reduce caffeine intake. I’ve found my sugar cravings have been drastically reduced and I continue to lose weight even if I overindulged in less than healthy foods.

6. John D. -
Drink this all day long –> Water. Water. Water. Beer.. More Water.

7. Muhammad -
Don’t eat 3-5 hours prior to your sleeping time. Better to sleep hungary rather to sleep with a full stomach. Stomach is the home of illness and diet is it’s cure.

8. Brandy -
Don’t eat foods with labels. Eat as much organic as possible. And take a probiotic with 5 billion cfu daily. I completely agree with most of the above as well especially drinking H2O all day!

9. Catherine -
Oxy-Powder! I credit it with clearing up my wheat and dairy intolerances.

10. Candace -
Daily green smoothie w/ rejuvelac as the base liquid.

11. Crystal -
If you are trying to pronounce it … you don’t need it.

12. Sunny -
Relax before you eat. Drink a cup of hot tea, put on some relaxing music, prepare and eat consciously.

13. John H. -
Try to make a habit of the “12 hour fast”: dinner to breakfast (for instance, 7 pm to 7 am). It helps you keep the calories down, and fans of “caloric restriction” believe it also lengthens your life.

14. Sheri -
Staying away from all things gluten. Meals consisting of small amounts of protein and vegetables only and Oxy Powder!! Love it, love it, love it!

Healthy Eating Tips

To add onto the responses above, I would recommend following an all organic and raw diet filled with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. These foods will give you all the energy you need to get through your day. Also take a vitamin d3 supplement and probiotic supplement, as both of these will help promote optimal health.

Try to avoid any foods or drinks that have high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners or refined sugar. This may be hard to do nowadays, but the more you limit those three substances, the better off you will be. Additionally, try not to eat any fast food or processed foods, as these are usually full of unhealthy substances.

What are your healthy eating tips? Add to the conversation and leave them in the comments below!

View the original article here

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Can Iodine Help With Hair Loss?

It is clear that the micro-nutrient iodine (as well as iron, magnesium and zinc) is a key essential element for the normal growth and development in all of the body’s organ and tissue systems.

In fact, iodine, in combination with the aforementioned minerals are often considered the best “hair growth minerals” you can take for healthy hair. And if you are currently experiencing hair loss, it may be a good idea to supplement with these, as hair loss can be one of the most common signs of a deficiency in iodine.

In regard to iodine and hair loss, we need to look at thyroid health. The thyroid gland relies on iodine to make the hormones necessary for the growth of healthy hair, teeth and bones. When we are deficient in this nutrient, the health of our hair can suffer, leading to hair weakness or total hair loss. Taking a safe nascent atomic iodine supplement may boost hair health and growth, and may event prevent or reverse hair loss.

Historically, farmers understood the relationship between iodine and the health of an animals coat. In fact, sheep farmers noticed that iodine-poor soils produced iodine-deficient plants, which in turn produced iodine-deficient sheep. And these sheep, consequently, produced the least amount (and poorest quality) of wool. It stands to reason that human beings are just as effected by iodine-poor soil and plants as animals are. And hair loss may be related to this decline.

Simply stated, iodine is a key element for hair strength and growth. While we may get some synthetic iodine in table salt, our body has a hard time assimilating it. Taking a nascent atomic, vegetarian form of iodine may prevent or reverse hair loss. There are even a few studies that support this evidence.

One 2001 study published in the Indian Journal of Dermatology, Venereology, & Leprology desrcribed the use of iodine as a treatment for patients with alopecia (hair loss), and found hair re-growth in a number of patients.

Consider supplementing with a high-quality, nascent atomic iodine supplement, such as Detoxadine®. This form of nascent atomic iodine provides you with the recommended daily allowance of iodine in a bio-elemental nanocolloidal state.

Have you thought about taking iodine for hair loss? If so, how did it work out for you? Share your experience in the comments below.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Monday 7 March 2011

Study: Taking Probiotics During Pregnancy May Prevent Obesity & Assist Weightloss After Birth

Weight loss is something many women struggle with after pregnancy. And the unfortunate truth is, a good number of them were already carrying around an unhealthy amount of excess body fat even before they were pregnant.

Better understanding female obesity — before, during, and after pregnancy — is an important step in controlling the tide of obesity that continues to spread across the United States. And according to some researchers, there is a growing body of scientific evidence which suggests that probiotic bacteria may potentially hold the key to not only a better understanding of weight gain, but also how to prevent it.

In 2009, Nutritionist Kirsi Laitinen, of the University of Turku in Finland, discovered a link between the use of probiotic supplementation during early stages of pregnancy, and weight loss following birth.

She and her colleagues selected a total of 256 pregnant women during the first trimester of their respective pregnancies to participate in the study. The women were randomly divided into three groups: Members of the first group were given both probiotic supplements and dietary counseling geared specifically toward the needs of expecting mothers.

The second group was also given dietary counseling, but was issued placebo instead of actual probiotics. The final group of women were used as a control and received placebo medication but no counseling.

The individual women participating were each weighed at the start of the study, and continued to regularly take either probiotic or placebo supplements from that point until they had ceased breastfeeding their babies exclusively. At this point, the women were re-weighed and also had their waist circumference and skin-fold thickness measured. By comparing these figures with those taken at the beginning of the investigation, Laitinen and her team were able to calculate a 15 percent or greater reduction in obesity among members of the first group as compared to the other two.

While dangerous at any age, obesity is especially damaging during early childhood. A growing body of research indicates that children who are obese are significantly more prone to obesity as adults. Likewise there is an established connection between maternal obesity during pregnancy, impaired fetal development and an increased tendency towards obesity after birth.

Probiotics During Pregnancy

Laitinen believes that the exchange of bacteria between mother and child via the umbilical cord during gestation, and breast milk thereafter, accounts for the bulk of this weight loss. However, she has cautioned that additional research is still needed before any definite conclusions can be reached.

Since the study’s conclusion, her team has continued monitoring the health of these participant mothers and their children. With any luck their initial and long term findings will prompt further investigation into the use of probiotic dietary supplementation to fight obesity in pregnant and nursing women, but also their offspring and society as a whole.

Kirsi Laitinen, senior lecturer at the University of Turku in Finland: “The results of our study, the first to demonstrate the impact of probiotics-supplemented dietary counselling on adiposity, were encouraging. The women who got the probiotics fared best. One year after childbirth, they had the lowest levels of central obesity as well as the lowest body fat percentage… There is growing evidence that this approach might open a new angle on the fight against obesity, either through prevention or treatment.” [1]

This isn’t the first clinical study to discuss the health benefits of probiotics. In fact, previous studies have shown that probiotics can help with a variety of ailments, including enhancing your immune system, preventing eczema, improving digestion, reducing yeast infections, alleviating common intestinal disorders and even acts as a remedy for bad breath.

When my wife was pregnant she took 2 capsules each of “Latero-Flora” and Garden of Life’s “Primal Defense Ultra” every other morning. Still to this day, we continue taking these probiotics at least once a week, as well as give our kids 1 capsule of each 1-2x every week. Whether or not you decide to take a probiotic supplement, I would highly recommend you add more of these probiotic foods to your daily diet.

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Sunday 6 March 2011

16 Foods High in Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one super important, naturally-occuring nutrient. From preventing colds and flu, rebuilding tissue, bones and blood vessels, to boosting the body’s ability to synthesize calcium and other minerals, Vitamin C is something we want to be eating ore of on a daily basis.

In fact, studies are now confirming the need for Vitamin C to boost brain function, heal from injuries and recover from illness. A potent antioxidant for neutralising free radicals, a diet lacking Vitamin C may cause health problems over time. In fact, the Food & Nutrition Board at the Institute of Medicine recommends that we eat vitamin c foods on a daily basis, with men getting 90mg and women getting 75mg daily.

The following list of foods high in Vitamin C will help teach you how to super-charge your diet with a major dose of this essential nutrient.

Strawberries - Vitamin C Foods

One of the tastiest and healthiest berries on the planet, strawberries are extremely high in Vitamin C. Strawberries aren’t just a vitamin c food, however, they’re also high in fiber and the antioxidants responsible for reducing oxidative stress and protecting the heart from excess LDL cholesterol. Just one serving holds about half of your daily vitamin C needs.

Acerola Cherries - Foods High in Vitamin C

The Acerola cherry, Malpighia punicifolia, is a small red fruit that is packed with vitamin C! In fact, it holds about 65x the amount of vitamin C than an orange. Just a single cherry holds all of your recommended amounts of vitamin C. It’s recommended to eat fresh, raw acerola cherries, but you can also buy it in powder form.

Oranges are high in vitamin c

Oranges, grapefruits, lemon and limes! Citrus fruits pop a powerful Vitamin C punch. Peel one medium orange for a whopping 70mg. A small glass of OJ has up to 93mg of vitamin C, and a small glass of grapefruit juice has up to 70 mg of vitamin C. Even though oranges are probably the most popular vitamin C food, it doesn’t have the highest amount in it.

Papaya - Vitamin C Foods

Papayas are another food high in vitamin c, with one serving holding 100% of your daily needs. Try throwing some in your next smoothie or yogurt. This bright fruit it also high in Vitamin A.

Blackcurrants - Foods High in Vitamin C

With its deep dark purple hue, its easy to imagine that this fruit would be high in Vitamin C. Blackcurrants hold around 180mg per serving, as well as plenty of potassium, iron, vitamin B5 and phytochemicals.

Kiwi - Vitamin C Foods

Hailing from New Zealand, it may surprise you to learn that this small bright green fruit has more Vitamin C than an orange! They are also high in flavonoids and has as much potassium as a banana. Studies have shown that children who ate these Vitamin C-rich fruits experienced stronger respiratory tract than children who did not.

Bell Peppers are high in Vitamin C

Bell peppers are another food high in vitamin C, as well as beta carotene. In fact, these colorful veggies have been studied for the cardio-protective health benefits, and have also been shown to prevent cataracts, blood clot formation and may help us reduce our chances of heart attacks and strokes. One half cup of raw red pepper holds over 140 mg of vitamin C. All bell peppers are high in Vitamin C, but yellow are the highest and red peppers come in second.

Guava - Vitamin C Foods

This exotic fruit is another great vitamin C food, with one Guava containing over 250 mg. Over twice your daily needs! They are also rich in dietary fiber, folic acid, potassium and manganese, making Guavas one of the best superfoods to add to your diet. Many supermarkets are now importing these fruits from the tropics, so they are easy to find.

Brussels Sprouts - Vitamin C Foods

While not everyone’s favorite food, Brussels sprouts have a great Vitamin C reputation. One serving of cooked Brussels sprouts has almost 50 mg of vitamin C. Besides from being one of the best vitamin c foods, brussels sprouts are also high in vitamin K, folate, vitamin A, manganese, potassium and dietary fiber. However, even with all of these nutrients, it’s still near impossible to convince your kids to give them a try.

Watermelon - Foods High in Vitamin C

Many melons have Vitamin C. Just one cup of cantelope will provide you with approximately 67 mg of vitamin c, plus plenty of vitamin A and potassium. Additionally, watermelon is another great source of vitamin c, as one serving will give you 112% of your daily needs.

Leafy Green Vegetables

Kale, mustard greens, turnip greens, watercress, chard and spinach (as well as most other leafy greens) are all great Vitamin C foods to add to your diet. While they all provide different amounts of this essential nutrient, they are all very healthy for you. Kale would be the best choice, as it may have up to 130 mg of Vitamin C in one serving. That is one day’s Vitamin C needs in a single serving!

Amalaki Fruit - Vitamin C Foods

Another exotic fruit from India, this nutrient-dense super-food is one of the most important medicines in the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia. The fruit is picked, dried and used for its health-boosting properties. It holds one of the most concentrated supplies of Vitamin C, so its no wonder it has been valued for thousands of years for its immune enhancing properties.

Broccoli has Vitamin C

Whether you eat it raw or cooked, you can never go wrong with broccoli. In fact, in addition to its dense multi-nutrient and fibrous benefits, one serving of this little green tree has over 90 mg of Vitamin C. Broccoli is also one of the best detox foods to add to your diet.

Cauliflower - Vitamin C Foods

While not as colorful as some of our other foods high in Vitamin C, cauliflower holds its own with this essential nutrient. Just one cup of cauliflower will give you approximately 46 mg, not to mention plenty of vitamin K, folate and dietary fiber.


The bright red tomatoes are another common Vitamin C food. Try using sun-dried tomatoes as they are particularly concentrated in this essential nutrient. Just one serving of 100 grams holds over 100 mg of Vitamin C. This equals 170% of our daily needs.


Many fresh herbs such as cilantro, chives, thyme, basil and parsley are high in Vitamin C. Buy some fresh herbs and sprinkle on every meal. In fact, just one cup of fresh parsley has over 130 mg of Vitamin C. And thyme comes in first, with 160 mg in one cup.

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