Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

2012 Life As We Know It Will Change!

2012 Will Bring Many Changes in the way we live our lives! Click here to visit Marketing With Spirit.

Must Read Vitamins and Minerals To Be Banned

From time to time, an issue comes along that is so important that we have to devote a newsletter to it, in preference to promoting our products for our short term interest. This is one of those times.

The banning, within months of something as innocuous as vitamins and minerals. Seems incredible doesn't it? Would and could the EU really ban most vitamins and minerals from being available in meaningful dosages? Is something as surreal as this really happening? Unfortunately the answer is yes, and it is very likely under the soon to be finalised EU regulations, and things are not looking good at all.

All this despite the fact that there was not even one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008, according to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

(It is conservatively estimated that around 200,000 Americans and 40,000 Brits die every year from the use of correctly prescribed conventional medications).

Yet the EU do not seem to be interested in these facts. Read full newsletter here:

Monday 14 March 2011

Healthy Skin Natural Organic Skin Care

Have you ever thought why you should turn to organic skin care products?  With so many reasons to do so, not to mention while using conventional products you are absorbing the chemicals contained within these products through your skin.  To keep clear of the many common issues these chemicals have you should definitely look at the benefits of natural organic products.

Remember natural organic skin range products should only contain natural ingredients naturally.  While being aware of the effectiveness this has compared to say petroleum based waxes and so on that is put inside these conventional products.  You just have to think that organic products are meant to work in balance with you, just like the natural balance you have on earth.  So treat your skin right help enhance your natural healing abilities.

It is really down to us to be concerned with what we let enter our body through our skin or by what we consume as our diet.  You would also guess right there is more and more, lack of support for the crap that is thrown into the conventional products nowadays.  The purer the better natural organic healing products combine the ingredients which come from various sources of untreated natural land.  Meaning of farm land without herbicides and pesticides being involved, you also have sea products and botanicals.  Where it may be necessary for the use of semi synthetic ingredients in shampoos, soaps, and body washes, they are classed as still being healthy as part of the production of such products.

Keep in mind the structure of these ingredients stem from resources which are natural.  Most experts who are in the know, as their recommendation will inform and advise you to be in the know also with regards to skin care product ingredients. Be cautious of the unnatural chemical skin care ingredients when choosing.   If you would prefer check over where the ingredients have been collected produce or farmed.  Organic skin care products will contain some form of preservatives for the product to remain fresh for its purpose.  Again various essential oils, organic herbs comes into play to preserve products by way of natural anti bacterial anti fungal properties, preserving organic skin care products in airtight packaging prevents the build up of bacteria also.

Some products will have the need for additional preservatives, but there are various plant based oils which do have natural preserving properties this include various balms as well.  As we do absorb practically everything we put onto our skin good or bad, organic skin care products by far are the safest and definitely most effective products around.  Note that If you are of the sensitive skin type then natural organic skincare products is a must have in your life.  For a look at how you may benefit from these products click on UK product range.

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