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Must Read Vitamins and Minerals To Be Banned

From time to time, an issue comes along that is so important that we have to devote a newsletter to it, in preference to promoting our products for our short term interest. This is one of those times.

The banning, within months of something as innocuous as vitamins and minerals. Seems incredible doesn't it? Would and could the EU really ban most vitamins and minerals from being available in meaningful dosages? Is something as surreal as this really happening? Unfortunately the answer is yes, and it is very likely under the soon to be finalised EU regulations, and things are not looking good at all.

All this despite the fact that there was not even one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008, according to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

(It is conservatively estimated that around 200,000 Americans and 40,000 Brits die every year from the use of correctly prescribed conventional medications).

Yet the EU do not seem to be interested in these facts. Read full newsletter here:

Monday 31 January 2011

solar panel or wind power for free

If you are interested in learning exactly how to generate free energy power and reduce your bills then this is the perfect resource for you!

This detailed program that shows people how to create a home solar panel and a wind turbine from old junk or parts that are readily available at any local DIY type store. Free energy can be easily generated from natural resources that are available to you in abundance. The program contains a guide which will walk you through each simple step that anyone can follow “anyone”. The kit includes the procedure to find all the necessary parts and put them together which can be quite fun, when you consider how this system can save you money.  All this can be done for less than $200 in contrast to those on the market which will actually cost around $ 1,000.

A power generator for electricity at home can be setup in a matter of days. For those living under strong sunlight you also have the option of using a solar panel to receive direct light from the Sun and similarly convert solar energy. Those who live in areas known for strong blowing winds can make use of the wind turbine to generate this type of power wind energy for their home. These generators can help you save up to 80% on your household electricity.

At the time of the financial crisis and the likes, a wind turbine or solar panels can help you to save money on electricity use, while at the same time keep a pollutant free environment. You have the possibility of producing free energy from natural resources, as our current system will not last forever, so why pay the electricity, utility company for energy use? Which nature offers to us for free! A wind turbine or solar panel can generate 24 kW of power which is sufficient for the operation of a mobile phone charger, television and laptop. Free energy will last at least a few years.
Learn how to construct a simple electricity generator for home use (wind turbine or solar panel). Learn how you can do this on a shoestring budget by following the detailed step by step simple guide that shows you how to access this free for life energy.

Notice: Do not entirely depend on the free information downloaded from the internet because if you make a single mistake the entire project can be ruined, or in some extreme cases may put your life in danger.  I advise you to follow the guides carefully as they are written by professional environmentalists, who guide you with safety.
Earth 4 energy 
Take a look!

Expert: 50% of the World’s Population Deficient in Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential part of a healthy diet. The human body needs relatively large quantities of it in order to maintain bone density and metabolism, as well as general organ health.

The impact it has on the body’s overall well-being cannot be overstated. Over time, vitamin D deficiency doesn’t just weaken bones, it has also been shown to impede nerve function and mental cognition. It’s also important for maintaining a healthy heart and immune system.

Unfortunately, very few of us get the necessary amount of Vitamin D our bodies require. In fact, estimates are that over two-thirds of the the U.S. and European population is vitamin D deficient. And the figures are even worse in many other parts of the world.

The previous RDA recommendation is that adults up to age 50 consume at least 200 international units (IUs) each day. This number increases to 400 IU for adults between the ages of 51 and 70, and 600 IU for adults who are over age 70. However, these amounts changed in late 2010, when the Institute of Medicine released new recommended Vitamin D intakes. They recommend that healthy adults get 600 IU per day, and adults over the age of 71 should get 800 IU per day.

Despite these new recommended amounts, many experts now believe, myself included, that the current recommendations are grossly inadequate.

In fact, according to Dr. Anthony Norman, professor of biochemistry and biomedical sciences at the University of California, Riverside, and world renowned expert of vitamin D, the average adult should intake between 2,000 and 4,000 IU per day to maintain proper health.

If these new estimates are correct, then the average person isn’t just slightly lacking in vitamin D – They are severely deficient!

Not only that, but it also means that many of us who believe we are already getting enough are sorely mistaken. To further underscore the benefits of providing the body with sufficient levels of Vitamin D, Dr. Norman adds that that a number of studies indicate noticeable “reductions in incidence of breast cancer, colon cancer and type 1 diabetes in association with adequate intake of vitamin D, the positive effect generally occurring within five years of initiation of adequate vitamin D intake.”

Vitamin D Foods

Exposure to amounts of ultraviolet radiation from sunshine especially at sunrise and sunset, or artificial substitutes such as tanning or UV beds, trigger the human body’s natural ability to produce vitamin D. Other naturally occurring sources are somewhat scarce. Only a handful of foods are known to contain measurable quantities of vitamin D. These food sources primarily include different varieties of fish and fish oil.

However, as a vegetarian, I do not eat or recommend eating fish. My personal favorite is Shiitake mushrooms, as they are very high in vitamin d, as well as vitamins B1 and B2. Many fortified cereals and other grain products also contain a fair amount of D vitamins. Organic eggs are also high in vitamin D.

Considering the difficulties nearly all of us have getting even the current daily requirement, taking a Vitamin D3 Supplement is a great way to conveniently fill the gap.

Vitamin D3 Serum is a unique live source of D vitamin that more than meets the human body’s dietary needs and it is 100% vegetarian. Because it’s a liquid and not a pill or capsule, it does not contain any unnecessary fillers or binding agents.

Do you get your daily recommended amount of Vitamin D? Let me hear your thoughts in the comment section below.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Sunday 30 January 2011

8 Foods Rich in Iodine

Iodine is an essential trace mineral crucial in the functioning of the thyroid gland, an organ that stores the minerals needed for the synthesis of our thyroid hormones. It is important to get adequate amounts of iodine in your diet to ensure the proper functioning of the this vital gland which controls much of our metabolism, detoxification, growth and development.

Research has shown that a lack of iodine foods in your diet may lead to enlargement of the thyroid gland, lethargy, fatigue, weakness of the immune system, slow metabolism, autism, weight gain and possibly even mental states such as anxiety and depression.

The good news is that there are many popular foods with iodine, all of which are easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for iodine is 150 micrograms daily for everybody over the age of 14. The RDA for children ages 1-8 is 90/mcg every day, ages 9-13 is 120/mcg every day. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended that you get 290/mcg every day.

The following list will discuss the top foods with iodine.

Iodine Foods - Kelp

The ocean hosts the largest storehouse for iodine foods, including Kelp, Arame, Hiziki, Kombu, and Wakame. Kelp has the highest amount of iodine on the planet and one serving offers 4 times more than a daily minimum requirement. 1 tablespoon of Kelp contains about 2000/mcg of iodine, 1 tablespoon of Arame contains about 730/mcg of iodine, 1 tablespoon of Hiziki contains about 780/mcg of iodine, 1 one inch piece of Kombu contains about 1450/mcg of iodine, 1 tablespoon of Wakame contains about 80/mcg of iodine. I recommend sprinkling them in soups or on salads.

Iodine Foods - Cranberries

This antioxidant rich fruit is another great source of iodine. About 4 ounces of cranberries contain approximately 400/mcg of iodine. I would recommend buying fresh organic berries or juice. If you buy cranberry juice from the store, be cautious of how much sugar is in it.

Probiotic Foods - Yougurt

A natural probiotic, yogurt is an excellent iodine food you should add to your diet. One serving holds more than half of your daily needs. 1 cup contains approximately 90/mcg of iodine. Other than yogurt, here is a list of probiotic foods you should think about incorporating into your diet for added health benefits.

Navy Beans with Iodine

Many beans are a great food source of iodine, but navy beans may top the list. Just 1/2 cup of these beans contain about 32/mcg of iodine. Beans aren’t just an iodine food, they are also incredibly high in fiber.

Organic Strawberry

This tasty red fruit packs up to 10% of our daily iodine needs in a single serving. 1 cup of fresh strawberries has approximately 13/mcg of iodine. Try buying fresh, organic strawberries from your local farmer’s market.

Himalayan Salt Benefits

This form of salt, also known as gray salt, is an excellent source of naturally-occuring iodine. While many types of table salt are iodine-enriched, they are also stripped of all their natural health properties, and are chemically processed. Just one gram of himalayan salt contains approximately 500/mcg of iodine.

Dairy Products

Milk and cheese are good sources of iodine, with one cup of milk holding around 55/mcg. To avoid many of the negative digestive effects of eating cow’s milk and cheese, I personally would recommend opting for raw organic goat’s milk and goat’s cheese; a healthier alternative for extracting iodine from dairy.

Potatoes High in Iodine

The common potato is an easy addition to most meals, and is one of the richest sources of iodine in the vegetable kingdom. With the skin, one medium-sized baked potato holds 60/mcg of iodine.

If you’re not a fan of the iodine foods listed above, then you can always take an iodine supplement. There are many different types of iodine supplements on the market, so knowing the differences between each is wise. I personally recommend taking a transformative nano-colloidal detoxified nascent iodine supplement, which the body is able to rapidly turn into its own effective mineral iodides for absorption throughout the body.

Do you have any other favorite foods with iodine? If so, please leave a comment down below.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Monday 24 January 2011

Chronic Yeast Infection Revealed

Candida species are disease-inducing microbes that apparently occur in 85% of the population. They can lead to the unpleasant health condition of chronic yeast infection (chronic candidiasis). By their opportunist nature, they only lead to chronic yeast infection in certain instances.

Naturally occurring Candida exist in excess of 100 species, but only a quarter of them are recognized as causing human yeast infection. The most common strain is Candida albicans, and then Candida glabrata, Candida krusei, Candida tropicalis, and Candida parapsilosis. The yeast infection rates are: Candida albicans - about four out of five; yeast Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, and other kinds of fungi - one out of five.

Yeast microbes live in the moist and warm areas like the mouth, the vagina, the bowels and the rectum. They are typically found in a good percentage of healthy people. Held at bay by probiotics, favorable microorganisms, yeast microbes have few negative effects on a healthy person. Nevertheless, they multiply fast when infection takes hold.

Candidiasis can be quickened by particular conditions out of the ordinary. These conditions are typically determined by the subtype of the yeast infection. For example: antibiotics, pregnancy, contraceptive pills, or hormone replacement therapy may hasten vaginal candidiasis, whereas insufficient personal hygiene can bring about yeast infection in males. The process may thus be the result of abnormal concentration of yeast microbes, above all in moist and warm areas of the surface of the body. However stress or an excess of weight can also push up the chance of yeast infection. In addition, weak immunity systems can be a cause in general of continuing yeast infections due to any subtype.

The data below concern yeast infections:

1. Three out of four women suffer a vaginal candidiasis, the most often observed, at least once in their life. As many as two out of five women have recurring or long duration yeast infections.

2. According to certain research, it is the age group of 21-30 that is most at risk from chronic yeast infection, and then the age group of 11-20.

3. Whether it's physical or emotional, stress can debilitate your immune system and boost the danger to you of colds and herpes. This can favor yeast cultivation too.

4. Because the yeast microbe is most active in conditions of warmth and moisture, hot weather favors the occurrence of chronic yeast infection.

5. Candidiasis can also be brought on by particular foods such as yeast foods, refined carbohydrates, candy, dairy products (difficult to digest, lactose laden with chemicals for hormone growth as well as favoring mucus) and wines (glucose laden).

6. In research done in the last ten years of the twentieth century at New York's Long Island Jewish Medical Center, it was observed that women having consumed a cup of yogurt on a daily basis for half a year could reduce the onset of chronic yeast infections by a factor of three. The theory however lacked sufficient data as only 13 women finished the study. Other research indicates that eating live strains of lactobacillus acidophilus either as supplements or as a yogurt can help to stop yeast infections.

The subtypes of candidiasis that occur the most are:

1. Candida vaginal infections: forming inside the vulva or the vagina. This is the kind of chronic infection encountered the most often.

2. Oral thrush: developing in the mouth and most often seen in individuals with very weak immune systems, including babies.

3. Baby thrush (nappy rash): responsible for rashes around the diaper area.

4. Male yeast infection: affects the glans penis, causing a rash.

5. Paronychia (infections of the underlying tissue of the nail): this type of yeast infection habitually appears next to the fingernail.

Note that each subtype of candidiasis is of a different kind. Other candida infections can happen practically anywhere in the body, frequently in folds of the skin: under the arms or the breasts, in between toes and so forth.

In certain instances, yeast infections can attack other parts of the body. This may be indicative of serious imbalance internally of the body. However usually, candidiasis is without lasting consequence, easily remedied and do not lead to serious health conditions. In many cases, yeast infections will disappear after a time without requiring medication.

The manifestation of the symptoms of candidiasis needs professional advice from a qualified physician. Chronic yeast infections may be just a symptom of more serious problems, such as sexually transmitted diseases with similar symptoms, leukemia, diabetes and AIDS, just to give a few examples.

As excessive multiplication of Candida is the root of almost all yeast infections, failure to sort out the internal problem that is responsible for the symptom of discharge, rash or other related to Candida, will not prevent these symptoms fro recurring after a while. Although chronic yeast infections can be treated using over the counter medication or a prescription at home, remember that virtually all such infections are an alarm signal of a severe internal problem that should be correctly treated. In addition, failure to treat the internal problems causing the yeast related symptoms could also lead to severe health complications.

Linda Allen is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Yeast Infection No More- Open The Door To a Yeast Infection Free Life". Linda has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.

To Learn More About Linda Allen?s Unique 5-Step Holistic Yeast Infection Cure System Visit: Chronic Yeast Infection

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies Are Perfect Yeast Fighters

Natural yeast infection remedies are preferred by the health-conscious. Even though over-the-counter and prescribed treatments are easily available, those who are looking for more lasting solutions to their yeast infection problem are now turning to natural remedies for yeast infection. Simply put, most natural yeast infection remedies are not only effective in combating yeast infection, they can be used on a more regular basis without any harmful repercussions on our health.

Natural yeast infection remedies can be easy to prepare. Folks always have this mindset that grabbing a medication or two at the pharmacy or clinic is the easiest and most convenient thing to do. This is not actually the case as natural yeast infection remedies too can be concocted with homemade ingredients. You get to save money and time waiting for consultation with your doctor.

We have a number of natural yeast infection remedies that have been reported to provide quick relief and healing for yeast infection.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 1 - Plain Yoghurt

You may have heard about this. Yoghurt is rich in acidophilus which is a natural yeast killer. Use only non-flavored yoghurt without sugar content. There are different ways to use yoghurt to cure yeast infection. You can either apply it directly in the vagina using a yoghurt-dipped tampon or douche with water. Some folks prefer it to be frozen as a popsicle. It is said to be extremely soothing though you would experience a slight sting initially. Eating yoghurt brings the acidophilus directly into our bodies. Normally the yeast infection would go off in a matter of days.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 2 - Acidophilus

Its effect was explained earlier in plain yoghurt. You can get hold of pure acidophilus in certain foods, milks and diary products. Head to the supermarket for some shopping and read the product labels. Alternatively, you can find them in powdered form at health food shops.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 3 - Gentian Violet

Smear gentian violet over the yeast infected area. Remember to wear a pad when you use this remedy. It probably works after the first round of treatment.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 4 - Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is one of the most potent natural yeast infection remedies. But we would not recommend using it as a direct topical medication because of its sting. Dilute it with water as a douche or take a bath in the apple cider vinegar-water solution.

Natural Yeast Infection Remedy 5 - Buttermilk

Buttermilk would build up your resistance against yeast infection. Be sure to drink at least one glass daily during the infected period. The yeast infection should clear up much faster.

Read up on more potent natural remedies for yeast infection at my blog and discover secret treatment methods that can cure your yeast infection within hours using completely safe and natural yeast infection remedies.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.

Davion is a successful webmaster, author and healthy lifestyle advocate. Discover more effective and natural yeast infection remedies and how you can cure your yeast infection within as little as 12 hours from home at

Male Yeast Infections

Understanding Male Yeast Infections

Yeast infections seems to be thought of as primarily as a "women's complaint". A male patient who came into our clinic for treatment with his yeast infection had consulted a medical doctor, only to be told that "only women get yeast infections". Nothing could be further from the truth, male yeast infections are widely and commonly misunderstood.

In my experience, it is easier for women to discover they have a yeast infection, much more easily than men. Why? Because women are more happy to visit their doctor when their health starts to deteriorate much more quickly than a male will. many guys seem to think they are "bullet proof" and continue on feeling lousy until they experience major health problems. Like the 38yr old man who saw me a few years ago complaining of bleeding from the bowel. This symptom occured for over one year before he consulted me, and I immediately called a gastroenterologist I know and made an appointment, who soon after diagnosed bowel cancer in this man. Why did this man not see a doctor earlier? The reply was "I didn't feel any pain and didn't think that it was an issue".

Many guys will go through their lives with flatus, gas, burping, diarrhoea or constipation, itchy skin, and a host of other symptoms and think nothing of it. This makes a candida or fungal infection extremely difficult to detect since men are built different than women. Once a woman develops a vaginal discharge, she knows generally that things are probably amiss and visits her doctor. Guys on the other hand (in general) may have absolutely no idea they may have a male yeast infection until it creates other problems in several areas of their body. In most cases, it will be the male's partner who alerts him to the fact that something is "not quite right" in his private department, because the chances are that she has an infection too. Her doctor, if he does correctly diagnose a yeast infection, will want to treat them both to stop the cross-infection from occurring.

Common Causes Of Male Yeast Infections

The most common ways for men to not only get but to maintain a yeast infection are lifestyle and diet. I have found that dietary habits such as beer, alcohol, sweets, chocolate, cookies (biscuits) and various snack and sweet foods are some of the main triggers. Other factors include the use (and abuse) of antibiotics and prescription drugs, sexual relations (without adequate hygeine there after) and stress or burn-out.

Stress and Burn-Out

A little know cause of a yeast infection is stress and burn-out (which lowers immunity and causes adrenal fatigue). I can highly recommend that you read my articles on stress, burn-out and adrenal fatigue online as these are some of the most powerful causes in the 21st century of many different health complaints. Men are working harder and under more stress than ever. Guys, are you really looking after your body?

A weakened immune system allows a yeast infection to proliferate and this will occur by way of several mechanisms. For example, the hormone called cortisol will become low which is vital for a powerful immune response and a body which is slightly acidic will allow a yeast infection to continue unabated. The "good" bacteria become weakened and overpowered by the bad bacteria and yeast, allowing an overgrowth to occur in the intestinal tract.

Snacks Can Lead To Yeast Infections

Guys are prone to refrigerator snacking, my father was a big man and couldn't resist a snack or two most nights. He was always on the hunt for something out of the kitchen cupboards (usually home baking, cookies, a chocolate bar, etc) or out of the refrigerator (ice cream, cold cuts, sausages, left-overs, etc). Dad had a bad case of candida yeast infection and had several trips to the doctor and was also referred to the gastroenterologist due to his constant diarrhoea, gas and bloating. He was always scratching his groin and I can remember the gas and his feet were very offensive to the nose indeed!

Do you snack? Are the yeasts "calling your name" at night or after a meal, are you the guy who wants something sweet quite regularly? Then you will almost certainly have a yeast infection. Bear this in mind: that snack you took from the refrigerator which was left overnight has probably started to grow molds and spores on it. You probably didn't warm it thoroughly in that microwave and bingo - you just transferred bugs into your susceptible digestive tract. More yeast, and so the cycle continues on. The yeast parasite demands to be fed on a regular basis and you will more than likely feed it, until you realise you have it, and do something about it. This will only come when you have read about a yeast infection or actually had a stool analysis which screens for candida. You had a BIG problem if your stool test can actually culture candida, which tells me you are passing live and active yeast into your bowel motions.

These common food products in your fridge are universally contaminated with molds and fungus. We all unknowingly eat them thinking they are perfectly safe, they maybe to those with a strong digestion, but for those with a yeast infection they are food. Yeast is naturally occurring in your body, and it is only when the good bacteria to yeast ratio in your digestive system becomes unbalanced, allowing the yeast fungi to thrive which then spread to other parts of your body.

Men Who Drink Beer Are More Prone To Yeast Infections And Prostatitis

You are most probably aware that alcohol is produced by yeast fermentation. Wine has an alcohol content of about 12 percent which is sufficient to kill the yeast. The heat produced to distill spirits like whiskey, vodka and cognac kills any yeast residue. With beer, the alcohol content rarely exceeds 6%, so there is often live yeast left behind. When you drink beer containing live yeast, it can remain live in digestive system and translocate into your body and affect your immune system. Most guys who drink plenty of beer will have their own "mobile brewery" happening inside their digestive system.

Some men never really seem to be affected by this brewer's yeast, or are only affected by certain brands of beers, whilst others can start to suffer pretty bad only days after only a few beers. Do you drink beer and suffer from prostatitis? The live yeast can may make your life quite miserable, and it won't be until you quit that beer habit for some time that you really notice the connection.

The type of enlarged prostate from beer consumption is different from other forms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate, or BPH) in that it will subside once the prostatitis (and alcohol consumption) is remedied. At times you may well have prostatitis and yet your Urologist will do all the tests and tell you everything is OK. This can be truly bewildering, especially when the pain is intense. Many cases of prostatitis test negative, and you well could be in pain and discomfort but the lab test say there is nothing wrong. So, if you enjoy a regular good brew, and you suffer from prostatitis, prostate pain, or irritation, it could very well be the yeast residue in your brew that is causing your problems. My advice? If you have a prostate problem AND drink beer, then stop all beer for some time and focus on restoring your digestive system and allow time to eradicate yeast from your system properly.


Incredible as it may seem, some patients I see with yeast infections have been treated dozens of times with an antibiotic. In fact, many cases of yeast infections have their origin after an antibiotic was prescribed by a doctor. Personally, I would never prescribe an antibiotic for a patient, and if I ever did it would be for a case of pneumonia of bacterial origin. Every medical clinic I have worked in, antibiotics are routinely prescribed - even by doctors who have studied natural medicine and who claim to be "natural doctors". It is almost that they fall back instinctively on their "germ theory" training and believe that the only way to get a patient right is to "kill those nasty germs" with an antibiotic.

How many times did you go to your doctor for a chest cold, a case of sinus, a skin infection or what ever it may have been, and you were prescribed an antibiotic? You obeyed your doctor and took the prescribed course of antibiotics for ten days, but what you may not have been aware of at the time is that those drugs wiped out significant amounts of beneficial bacteria as well as the bad. You didn't kill all the good guys, just lots of them, and you weakened your immune system too. You continued on and discovered that your cough or chest cold went away pretty quick, great you thought to yourself: "that doctor was right, those drugs did work".

Little did you know that you only weakened your system further, making you increasingly susceptible for a further infection in time. Meanwhile, your life continued on - a beer here or there, the same amount of stress, a few cookies or snacks from the fridge. More beneficial bacteria die and more yeasts start to thrive, the scales are slowly tipped in favour of the bad. Then you get sick again - more antibiotics. The bottom line is that you slide down a slope towards a yeast infection, it does not happen overnight, it happens gradually over a period of time and your immune system gradually gets worn down by the main causative factors along with a constant introduction of molds into your body. That is when you begin to experience some of the symptoms of a yeast infection.

Common Male Yeast Infection Symptoms

Common signs and symptoms males experience with a yeast infection are male-associated urinary/sexual problems: jock itch, loss of sex drive, impotence, prostatitis, penis infections, difficulty urinating, urinary frequency or urgency, painful intercourse, sexual dysfunction, a swollen scrotum, etc. Is the male a beer drinker? Suspect candida if he drinks beers regularly and complains of prostatitis, itchy skin, burping, bloating, and other symptoms listed here.

Other signs and symptoms of male yeast infection are constipation, bad breath, bloating, indigestion, frequent intestinal gas, frequent diarrhea, very loose stools, irritability and mood swings, fatigue or lack of energy, memory loss, dry itchy flaky skin. As I mentioned earlier, the male will also probably develop a craving for sweets, pastas, chips, etc. In addition, check out the signs and symptoms of a candida yeast infection page.

The Solution To Male Yeast Infection

The best way to tackle a yeast infection if you are a male is to tackle it systemically, which means you will need to treat the "whole person" and not just the presentation. You need the right diet and lifestyle. Stay with your walking program, and do seek professional help if need be

Eric Bakker is a registered Naturopathic Physician with a Bachelor Degree of Science majoring in Complementary Medicine. Eric is past Vice President of the New Zealand Natural Medicine Association with 20 years of clinical experience in natural medicine.

Eric runs a busy online naturopathic practice in New Zealand and specialises in distance patients. He has many patients throughout the world in countries such as America, England, Australia and several other English speaking countries.

Patients keep in touch via Skype or the telephone and can easily book consultations online through his popular website. Patients can login as Members and have access to a full range of "Practitioner-Only" products and many free member-exclusive handouts and reports. Products are dispatched daily and we pride ourselves on our fast and professional service. Eric can help you with many chronic health conditions and is a highly experienced naturopath, particularly with candida yeast infections.

Join The Naturopaths regular e-newsletter and receive a FREE Healthy Foods Chart valued at $20.00 just for subscribing! Just go to and become a newsletter subscriber today!

Sunday 23 January 2011

What Is Yeast Infection - Its Causes - Its Symptoms - Its Remedies

A yeast infection occurs when there is an overgrowth of naturally occurring yeasts in the vagina to the extent that it is severe enough to cause the patient to have symptoms. A yeast infection (also referred to as "candida" and "thrush") is a common occurrence amongst females, with medical authorities estimating that at least three quarters of all women will experience a yeast infection at least once during their lives.

Yeast organisms are always present in all people but are usually kept in balance by some of the body's other naturally occurring micro-organisms. It is when the Candida albicans organism, which is to be found in the vagina of nearly all women, gets out of balance with the body's other natural flora that an overgrowth of yeast can occur resulting in unpleasant symptoms.

Tight-fitting jeans, wiping from back to front, wet bathing suits, pregnancy, the use of oral contraceptives, engaging in vaginal sex after anal sex in an unhygienic manner, and the use of lubricants containing glycerine have all been known to cause yeast infections. Douching can also result in a yeast infection as it may actually kill off organisms in the vagina that suppress the growth of the yeast. In the same manner, women who are taking antibiotics for a long period of time are at high risk of developing a yeast infection because the antibiotic suppresses the other flora in the vagina and allows the yeast to overgrow. If a woman has diabetes, she is more susceptible to yeast infections of the vagina. Women taking birth control pills or steroids to treat a medical condition are also more prone to suffer a yeast infection.

Symptoms include severe itching, burning, and soreness, irritation of the vagina and/or vulva. The itching is not always present but can get really bad to the point where it can become difficult to even walk. For the most part the discharge looks like clumpy white stuff with most medical descriptions comparing its appearance to that of ricotta cheese. But it can also range from thick and not clumpy to faintly yellow to thin and clear. Not too surprisingly, a yeast infection actually smells like yeast (like bread or beer).

There are other infections which can affect the vagina and it is helpful to know the symptoms of these so that you don't go and treat yourself for a yeast infection that you don't necessarily have. Bacterial infections, urinary tract infections and trichomoniasis all have symptoms which could be confused with the symptoms of yeast infection, yet they require different treatments. It is important therefore when you are experiencing symptoms for the first time to get an accurate medical diagnosis to make sure that you don't commence an incorrect course of treatment which could exacerbate the symptoms you already have.

When it comes to treating yeast infections there traditionally have been three avenues available: do-It- yourself; over-the-counter and prescription remedies. It is important to stress again that if you are a first or second time sufferer you should not start any course of treatment without first confirming with your doctor that you are suffering a yeast infection. Women who have had had yeast infections before will recognise the symptoms and will be able to treat accordingly.

Do-it-yourself or home remedies include the direct application or consumption of yoghurt, acidophilus tablets or salves, probiotics and you can even use lightly crushed cloves of garlic, which yield allicin, an antifungal agent. Boric acid can also been used to treat yeast infections (by inserting gelcaps filled with boric acid powder into your vagina at bedtime for three to four consecutive nights). Eating a diet consisting primarily of green, fresh, raw vegetables also may give you relief.

Over the counter treatments are specifically designed for the treatment of yeast infection, so once again you need to be absolutely sure you have a yeast infection before purchasing these treatments. If you use one and you don't really have a yeast infection, you run the risk of creating a strain of drug-resistant yeast in your vagina, meaning that next time you have a yeast infection these drugs won't work

The best thing to be said for prescription medications is that they involve a trip to the doctor who will first confirm that you actually have a yeast infection. In some cases prescription anti-fungal medications may be the only effective cause of treatment.

Another method of treating yeast infection which has just started to come into vogue is that of treating it holistically - which is aimed at curing the condition in such a manner so as to ensure it doesn't return.

Susan Sondfelt is a former yeast infection sufferer who now no longer experiences the condition. To learn how she was able to permanently cure the condition go to How I Was Able To Cure Yeast Infection Once and For All

Male Yeast Infection is a Disease That is Not Very Common

A yeast infection is the name for a common infection caused by a type of yeast-like fungus called Candida. For men,the most common cause is through sexual intercourse with a woman affected with a yeast infection. The best way to prevent a penile infection is to practice safe sex. If left untreated, the symptomatic pains of this infection may continue and this may worsen the severity. As embarrassing as this can make some women feel, you must realize that the yeast infection is not your fault.

The causes of yeast infections are both few and numerous. Did you know that the main causes are moist heat and lack of air circulation. The causes are also an important part of discovering exactly what a yeast infection is. The most common causes of yeast infections are taking antibiotics, hormonal changes in the body, sexual intercourse, wearing clothing that is too tight and there are also some diseases that also cause increased chances of getting a yeast infection. There are a few illnesses where a yeast infection is a common part of having the illness, these include diabetes, lukemia and HIV. Once you have discovered just what a yeast infection is, you can take measures to not only treat current ones, but also to prevent future infections.

Rarely, men who have sex with women with yeast infections will get an itchy rash on their penis. However, it is possible for men to develop symptoms of skin irritation of the penis from a yeast infection after sexual intercourse with an infected partner. When symptoms are present, the most common symptoms of a penile infection are: irritation and soreness of the head of the penis severe itching on the head of the penis a white, clumpy discharge redness color on the head of the penis small blisters on the head of the penis. Antibiotics can kill beneficial bacteria that is found on the penis and in the crotch.

Male yeast infection treatments are fairly simple. Natural yeast infection treatments have become popular because medicated treatments often don't treat the underlying cause of the infections. While medication treats an isolated and localized yeast infection, alternative treatments are effective at treating chronic yeast. Non medical treatments often work at helping relieve symptoms and helping balance the pH balance of the body. There are a lot of yeast infection treatments available from over the counter medicines to prescription medicines and if you have tried all of these treatments but your yeast infection keeps coming back then you are only treating the symptoms and not the infection itself. For instance, the strain candida glabrata now seems to be resistant to many of the topical anti-fungal treatments currently on the market.

As with all health conditions it is advisable to see your family doctor before you start treatments to ensure they are suitable for you. Many people have found that their doctors are accepting of both medical and traditional treatments of yeast infections which can be equally as effective or even better then the pharmacological treatments for yeast infections. Make sure you follow the directions given by your doctor and keep up on your treatment plan, which may include weekly or bi-weekly treatments to keep the yeast at bay.

Most people don't know what a chronic yeast infection is or the damage it can do. Chronic yeast infection is a condition in which you have these infections at least four times during a year. If you have symptoms of a yeast infection, see a doctor immediately so they can determine if a yeast infection is the cause of your symptoms, and suggest a course of (hopefully natural) treatment.

Male yeast infection treatments are fairly simple. Natural yeast infection treatments have become popular because medicated treatments often don't treat the underlying cause of yeast infections. Dietary changes you can make to significantly reduce your risk of developing a yeast infection. Yeast infection diets can surprisingly go a long way in preventing and curing yeast infections. Part 2 of this article will give you much more information about A well-balanced diet with plenty of fibre can be the best preventative medicine.

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing natural health and beauty products

Saturday 22 January 2011

Yeast Infection - Treat Your Yeast Infection Naturally, Immediately!

Are you suffering from yeast infections and looking for permanent treatment? Like you, many women suffering from yeast or fungus infections are looking for treatments that not only relieve the symptoms of the infection, but keep it from coming back. Unfortunately, the vagina is popular place for bacteria to live and the internal conditions make it easy for these bacteria to multiply out of control. The best way for you to get rid of your yeast infection & treat it forever is to kill off the bad bacteria while still maintaining healthy conditions in the body.


There are several common symptoms of a yeast infection. Treating it is possible but you need to identify the infection first. These symptoms include but are not limited to:

Whitish or whitish-gray cottage cheese-like discharge, often with a curd-like appearance.
Severe itching
Painful UrinationIt is also possible to get an infection on the skin. These symptoms can include: redness, itchiness, rash, or flaky sensitive skin.

The bacteria that causes these types of infections can live anywhere in the body, that's why it's important for you to identify it right away and treat it. Symptoms will get more severe over time, and if left untreated they can lead to more serious medical problems.

Many people will be affected by these infections differently. But if you are experiencing multiple symptoms they should not ignore them, as it means they probably do have an infection and should seek yeast infection treatment right away.

The good news is that there are ways to get rid of your yeast infection & treat it from home, along with keeping it from coming back. There are natural yeast infection treatments available that are actually able to kill the bacteria that causes the infections while promoting the healthy bacteria living in the body.


Some of the most common causes of yeast vaginal infections include:

Tight underwear
Douching with a chemical substance
Leaving the area moist
Certain soaps and perfumes
Hormonal treatment
High sugar intake
Improper diet. A yeast or fungus infection starts and will continue to get worse because of a bacterial imbalance in the body, until the proper balance is restored a woman will continue to have these types of vaginal infections-regardless of what medications she takes in the mean time.

To get rid of these infections forever there are certain lifestyle changes that must be made, and identifying the infection cause is a very important part of that process. There are tried and true yeast infection treatments that will not only get rid of your infection, but will also keep the body balanced so a woman never has to suffer from them again.

Yeast Infection Treatment

Typically, doctors will prescribe antibiotics for yeast infection treatment. The problem is that this only gets rid of the symptoms and does nothing to promote growth of the healthy bacteria that are already living in the body and fighting off infection. It's not uncommon for women to start experiencing these infections over and over again even when they have taken the antibiotics prescribed by their doctor.

The best yeast infection treatment is to go after the cause and kill it. There are natural yeast infection treatments that will do this without posing a threat to the healthy bacteria. The use of a certain kind of yogurt, garlic, various vitamins, and avoid certain carbohydrates can all be very effective ways to get rid of these infections for good.

When looking for a yeast infection treatment it's important to find one that treats the actual infection, not just the symptoms. Many of the yeast infection treatments available will only temporarily get rid of the pain, itching, and other complications associated with the infections, but one thing they can't do is get rid of them forever.

Promote Healthy Bacteria

To truly get rid of these infections and keep them from coming back the cause of the infection has to be isolated and treated. The fungus Candida Albicans is responsible for producing various infections in the human body, including yeast infections. A true yeast infection treatment will make the body such a hostile environment for this fungus to live that it will die, and you will then be yeast infection free!

The skin is the body's best line of defense, anytime the skin is damaged or broken it's possible for the yeast or fungus to penetrate and start multiplying. So taking good care of the skin is one of the first things a person should focus on. Also, eating the right kinds of foods and taking the right vitamins will promote the growth of the healthy bacteria you need to keep that infection gone for good.

The best way to get rid of your yeast / fungus infections is to make it hard for the yeast fungus to grow and reproduce. It's possible to make changes in the body that will allow this to happen, it can be as simple as a change in diet, or changing the type of soaps used to wash the body and clothes.

There is a Sure-Fire way guarantee yeast infection treatment - get rid of those infections and get complete relief within a few hours. If you have been desperately looking around for a permanent cure for yeast vaginal infections, visit to start on your way to immediate relief!

Get the best yeast infection treatment and rid of those infections FOREVER. You will experience total relief! You will be enjoying a yeast-infection-free life and experience renewed energy without all of the horrible symptoms.

Signs & Symptoms Of A Yeast Infection

If you think you might have contracted a yeast infection... however, you are not precisely certain. It's conceivable if you have a yeast infection that you might not even be aware of it or worse... you may mistake it for another condition. There are crucial yeast infection symptoms that you must pay attention so that you can find out what is normal for your ability and so that you can ascertain the difference between a yeast infection and some other sort of infection.

If you believe you have some or even all of the signs of a yeast infection, then you should visit your healthcare provider first of all. By getting in touch with your physician you can obtain a suitable diagnosis of either a bacterial yeast infection or some other sort of health condition that could be the cause of similar symptoms. If you have a yeast infection the physician can help direct you in the right direction to get the most appropriate medication specifically designed specifically to treat your infection.

However, if you think that you completely understand the signs of yeast infection and you decide to treat the infection yourself that's fine. There are quite a few good nonprescription medications available for you to use to treat your yeast infection. One of the more common medications in the over the counter group on the market today is Monistat.

Here's the caveat to you treating yourself, if you are going to treat it yourself you must be absolutely certain that you do indeed have a bacterial yeast infection, you purchase the medication designed to treat it and that you apply the medication directly as instructed on the box

It's critical if you decide to treat yourself that you're absolutely certain that you do indeed have a yeast infection. If there is any doubt in your mind whether it is actually a yeast infection or not you must to see your doctor before you begin any type of treatment. The infection signs can include redness and soreness in the vaginal area, rash, a burning sensation, painful intercourse, intense itching of the area, pain with urination, and a generalized swelling of the vulva.

Ask any adult female today who's went through a yeast infection and she'll be the first one to tell you that of all prominent yeast infection signals that the most intolerable of all is the acute itching. In fact this issue can become so awful that it virtually can interfere with your day by day activities. As a matter of fact it is one of the reasons that a lot of women will try to find nonprescription relief to immediately be able to handle the itching in order to get a speedy relief.

Another one of the most bothersome yeast infection signs is the burning sensation related to urination. This is immediately followed by another dreadfully irritating yeast infection sign is pain during sexual intercourse. While both are quite annoying and most often affiliated with a bacterial yeast infection it is crucial to see your health professional in order to preclude other medical conditions.

Vaginal discharge is another one of the yeast infection symptoms that can cause an barrage of problems and generalized irritation. And just like the itching, vaginal discharge can often lead women to look for help quickly... including over-the-counter medication to try to deal with the issue. Vaginal discharge is another one of the predominant yeast infection signs that can cause women problems.

Vaginal discharge at times can be rather odorless and seem as a thin milky consistency and there are quite a little of other times the yeast infection signs can result in a diffuse vaginal discharge which is rather unsavory with a strong and hideous odor. The aroma may at times be one of accented yeast odor and other times may smell like sulfur or rotten eggs. The consistency of the vaginal discharge affiliated with a yeast infection can appear as cottage cheese.

It is crucial that yeast infection symptoms be taken especially seriously. Repeated yeast infections must be dealt with by your doctor as they can point to even more grievous health problems. You might also think about that if you are treating a yeast infection that doesn't resolve them maybe you do not have a bacterial yeast infection after all. In this case, or worse, you must seek medical attention.

After all your health hinges on it. Recognize the yeast infection signs so that you will be able to treat yourself or seek attention from your healthcare provider at the onset of symptoms. There simply is no need to suffer in silence.

For more information on yeast infections, visit

You'll find information on topics such as bacterial vaginosis, & more

Vaginal Yeast Infections - The Facts

Vaginal yeast infections send more women to the doctor than just about any other cause. Unfortunately, many women have to keep going back to the doctor because the infection returns. If you're one of those women, you know that a yeast infection is no fun at all, and you're ready to do whatever it takes to keep from having another one.
According to recent research, the incidence of vaginal yeast infections has doubled over the last 20 years, possibly because of changes in lifestyle, environmental changes, or mutations in the yeast organism itself. No one really knows for sure why the incidence of infections is increasing so rapidly.
Since most of us are only aware of yeast when we get a vaginal infection, many people don't realize that over 10,000 people in the United States die each year from fungal infections caused by the same organism that makes our crotches itch and burn.
The yeast that is responsible for vaginal infections and oral thrush is a tiny fungus called Candida albicans. Occasionally, a yeast infection is caused by a form of Candida yeast other than the common C. albicans. These yeasts include C. dubliniensi and C. stellatoidea. Tests can be done to determine what type of yeast is causing an infection, but infections by yeasts other than Candida albicans are rare.
Candida is the most common type of fungal infection in humans, and it can lead to serious health problems for some people. A yeast infection can even be deadly in people with compromised immune systems. For this reason, any woman who gets the symptoms of a yeast infection while receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer should seek medical attention as soon as possible.
There are four common causes of yeast infections:
1. The balance of power between bacteria and yeast is disturbed. Bacteria help us by keeping the yeast in check, so if the bacteria are killed, a yeast population can explode out of control.
This can happen when antibiotics are used during an illness. A diet high in refined sugars and other carbohydrates can also upset the balance by favoring the growth of yeast and inhibiting the growth of bacteria. This imbalance can lead to a yeast infection in the mouth or vagina.
2. Changing hormone balances, (due to pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, and oral contraceptives), can create the right conditions for a yeast infection.
3. Yeast infections can also occur when the patient's immune system is compromised by an HIV infection, chemotherapy or radiation treatment, Lyme disease or organ transplant. Steroids can also slow the immune response and allow a yeast infection to take hold.
4. And finally, chronic yeast infections can be a symptom of a more serious underlying illness, such as diabetes, thyroid disorder, leukemia or AIDS. If your yeast infection keeps coming back, ask your doctor for a complete exam to rule out any underlying cause.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are very similar to other conditions that are caused by bacteria and parasites. While yeast infections are not usually dangerous in women with intact immune systems, a bacterial infection can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs, and must be treated promptly.
This is why it is so important to get a medical diagnosis, even if you've had a yeast infection before. It's also the reason why you should be very careful before treating an infection on your own - up to two-thirds of the women who purchase over-the counter medications for yeast infections actually have a bacterial infection instead, and the anti-fungal medication won't do any good. In fact, using anti-fungal medications when you don't need to can make future yeast infections more difficult to treat.
To make matters even more complicated, some "natural" cures for yeast infections that you find on the Internet can actually push a bacterial infection up into your uterus and fallopian tubes, where it can cause permanent damage. For this reason, it's important to learn as much as you can about vaginal yeast infections, and the other types of conditions that look just the same, but need to be treated differently.

Vaginal infections aren?t the most exciting subject in the world, but it?s important to be informed so you can make good decisions about your health. To learn more about Candida albicans yeast infections ? what causes a vaginal yeast infection, how to get rid of it, and how to keep it from coming back ? visit

Friday 21 January 2011

Yeast Infection In Man - It's Not As Absurd As You Think - Learn How To Cure It Naturally

Is there really such a thing as yeast infection in man?

The answer unfortunately is yes, men really do get yeast infections. It may seem farfetched to you that a man could get a yeast infection, but for those unfortunate few men who are afflicted by this painful condition, it is no laughing matter.

When you suffer from a yeast infection, it's literally all you can think about. Your entire day is consumed by the constant reminders of the infection. The pain, itching and discomfort are all you can think about. The discharge can be extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing. Because you find your self dwelling on and dealing with the symptoms all day, it affects your concentration and productivity, often meaning that you'll accomplish little or nothing due to the nightmare called yeast infection in man.

Every little tinge of pain, each wave of uncomfortable sensation draws your attention away from the tasks at hand. Difficult to ignore, your penile yeast infection mocks you, marking your manhood with unsightly and painful reddish spots. And the itching and burning constantly remind you of your problem even when you start to believe that the worst has passed. Just when you think its gone, like that it is back with a vengeance. It just seems that the nightmare will not go away.

It's only after days or even weeks of agony and denial that you finally surrender to the embarrassing truth: it's beaten you. A condition that is supposed to be a "female problem" has instead feasted on a man (you). And just like that, you've fallen victim to yeast infection in man, considered by

many to be a very rare or even impossible malady.

But surely it's not possible for man to get a yeast infection?

Recently, the question of "Can a man get yeast infection?" is no longer an absurd inquiry. Not when the answer is more serious than most men believe it to be. Yeast infection in man is not as ridiculous as you may think and, after much research, it has been determined to be more than just a possibility. It's now been proven to be a scientific fact, and there are now countless recorded cases of its occurrence. Penile yeast infection is just one of the manifestations of yeast infection in man, and justifiably, it is considered the most embarrassing, and medically speaking the most troubling.

So what are the symptoms of penile yeast infection?

Some of the known symptoms of penile yeast infection include a rash-like, reddish coloration on the head of the penis with a white discharge that yeast infections are commonly known for. The reddish rash can range from slight irritation in mild cases to the development of painful blisters and sores.

While the rash is the most common manifestation, it is certainly not the exclusive symptom, and often, both symptoms occur simultaneously. Very often, all of these symptoms appear at the same time, adding to the humiliation and agony the the man experiences.

As troubling as these symptoms may appear, many men mistakenly assume that when it comes to yeast infection in man, the fewer or milder the symptoms, the better. This is not necessarily the case. While it is generally easier to manage a single symptom or a few mild symptoms, men mistakenly assume this apparent good luck to imply there is a lack of urgency to deal with the infection, thus causing them to delay or even fail to address the infection with proper and prompt treatment. Such complacency can often lead to the development of a more severe or even stubborn recurring yeast infection.

Mild symptoms (or even no symptoms at all) can be disasterous

Because seemingly trivial symptoms can be ignored or believe to not be serious, some men just do not appreciate that yeast infection in man can cause serious unexpected complications. This leads to indifference and lack of treatment, often with disasterous results.

While deceivingly trivial symptoms can delay or even prevent timely treatment, even more ominous are those cases where there are literally no symptoms of infection at all. This is probably the worst that yeast infection in man has to offer. In these cases, recurring yeast infection is the least of a man's worries, because by the time the symptoms of an infection manifests, it may already be too severe or even too late to do anything to treat it.

What can be done about yeast infection in man?

This, more than other factor is why the question we ask shouldn't be "Can man get yeast infection?", but rather "What can man do to avoid yeast infection?". The answer to the latter is, of course, that men must be vigilant and must not simply ignore the potential signs and symptoms of yeast infection in man.

Knowledge and understanding of the causes, symptoms and cures of this ailment will surely be useful in treating it, and better yet, in preventing it altogether. Armed with knowledge, it may even be possible for yeast infection in man to eventually fade away into the past and into obscurity. Men must come to terms with the reality that yeast infection is as much a man's problem as it is a woman's problem. Men must learn more about this problem and what can be done to prevent it.

Eliminate your yeast infection before it gets worse. Untreated it can lead to arthritis, chronic fatigue, shortness of breath, and worse symptoms - like sexual dysfunction. Click here to learn more about yeast infection in man. Go to

Can You Get a Yeast Infection on the Chin? - Learn the Answer Today

Although this may seem odd, some people have asked the ultimate question, "Can you get a yeast infection on the chin?" The answer to this question is surprisingly yes. Many people develop yeast infections on their chin and get alarmed. So how exactly can you get a yeast infection on the chin?

Yeast infections on the chin occur just like any other yeast infection. Your body is constantly producing yeast in almost all parts of the body including your skin. If there is too much moisture produced by your skin, overgrowth of bacteria sets in and causes yeast infections. It is embarrassing, horrible, and could even ruin your relationship if you develop a yeast infection on your chin. You need to treat it right away before it spreads. Before it spreads, your main goal is to prevent it from EVER HAPPENING!

And here is how...

A yeast infection on your chin is more than likely a recurring yeast infection also known as chronic yeast infections. These yeast infections are not only annoying but it can also put you at risk of other illnesses like diabetes and chronic urinary tract infection if not treated properly. Recurring yeast infections are a common dilemma in diabetics and in those who consume a high sugar diet. When you have more than four infections in a year, you have a condition known as recurring yeast infection.

Birth control is one of the most common causes of recurring yeast infections. Some women have reported that their recurring yeast infection has gotten better after discontinuation of the pill. If you have a reoccurring yeast infection and you take birth control, it is time to end it right away.

Another cause of recurring yeast infection is food, especially sugars and sweets. If the level of these sugars are not controlled well and allowed to get high, you will likely experience recurring yeast infection. Please limit these sugars and sweets daily in your diet!

Moisture trapped around the vagina can also be the cause of recurring yeast infection. Make sure you stay dry around your vagina at all times.

Using these tips above, you can eliminate yeast infections before they even start! It is a great feeling knowing you are taking care of yourself in order to never get a yeast infection again. It should only take one yeast infection in order to wake up and take the extra precautions in order to never get one again. As you may or may not know, yeast infections have a lot to do with the foods you eat and the foods you don't eat. Having the proper dieting will allow yourself to take control of yeast infections instead of allowing yeast infections to control you. The worst thing you could ever do is give up and let a yeast infection control you. It hurts, it's expensive, and can ruin relationships. I wish you the best of luck in finding a cure to your yeast infection.

Tired of people asking can you get a yeast infection on the chin? Want to put an end to yeast infections once and for all? Learn about Angela Jennings award winning method for curing yeast infections safely, drug free, and naturally. Learn more about Angela Jennings program by visiting

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Why The Benefits Of Virgin Olive Oil

It has been known for many years that Olive Oil contains unbelievable health benefits.  I say unbelievable, well if everyone knew the benefits externally and internally I’m sure this would be a massive part of maintaining good health.  Recent studies have shown the benefits towards Colon Cancer, Heart Disease, Breast Cancer HER-2 (Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2) a protein giving higher aggressiveness in breast cancers.

Olive Oil is composed mainly of triacylglycerols (triglycerides or fats) Triacylglycerols are the major energy reserve for plants and animals.  Polyphenols in Extra Virgin Olive Oil are natural antioxidants which have been shown to hold a host of beneficial effects from healing Sunburn to Lowering Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, and risk of Coronary Disease.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil is a more pure form.

Extra Virgin Oil Polyphenols drastically depleted HER-2 protein and reduced autophosphorylation in a dose and time dependent manner.  Research found that all the major Extra Virgin Olive Oil Polyphenols (i.e. secoiridoids and lignans) induced strong Tumour Killing effects by selectively triggering high levels of apoptotic cell death (programmed cell death) in cells over expressing HER-2.

Naturally packed with monounsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants, not only can Extra Virgin Oil lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, research has shown that it also provides a wide range of anti-inflammatory benefits that can positively impact illnesses such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis, and Asthma.

Even the FDA suggests that replacing just two tablespoons of saturated fat with Extra Virgin Olive Oil in your daily diet can have measurable positive effects for you.  You can also add Extra Virgin Oil to almost any cooked food when it has cooled as E Virgin Olive Oil is fine for use in cooking at very low temperatures.

Ozone is an unstable, but highly beneficial molecule. It's the Tri-atomic form of Oxygen: Instead of the normal arrangement of 2 atoms of Oxygen (O2), Ozone is comprised of 3 atoms of Oxygen (O3).  However Ozone doesn't stay in its Tri-atomic state for very long, at atmospheric pressure it may last around 20 minutes, but held bound within Ozonated Olive Oil can be kept refrigerated for up to 10 years.

(O1) is called a Singlet Oxygen Atom and it's Highly Reactive with just about any substance that should not be in the human body including all pathogens (virus, bacteria, etc).  Applied Olive Oil For Skin is most commonly used for conditions of the skin (external body).  To list some of these benefits… you will find it very hard to find a better all round healing treatment.

Aids in healing processes and reduces scarring
Reduces incidence of degenerative skin conditions
Good for removing makeup
Good for animal wounds, as it is all natural, and can be licked
Sunburn of the skin
Insect bites and stings
Infections of the sebaceous glands (sweat)
Can be used as a natural under arm deodorant
Hemorrhoids – One of the best natural remedies
Sore muscles (rub as a massage paste)
Cellulite Reduction
Stimulation of growth for skin cells
Increased healing-time for skin wounds and ulcers
Cleans and sterilizes the epidermis
Reduces swelling and inflammation
Calms the nerves and reduces the amount of pain in skin conditions
May increase cellular function and cellular memory
Acts as a free radical scavenger on harmful toxins
Acts as a moisturizing facial conditioner (leave on for 20 minutes and promptly remove)

Olive Oil For Skin is a simple Healing Solution we all can use, a natural alternative to the chemicals we use (internally – externally).
Find out more checkout Italian Olive Oil. or visit Flood Your Body with Oxygen

Saturday 15 January 2011

Study: Sufficient Zinc Intake Helps Alleviate Pneumonia in Elderly

Zinc and Pneumonia in Elderly

Dietary zinc is a widely used essential mineral that is commonly found in a wide range of foods, over-the-counter health products and supplements. There’s a large body of scientific evidence which suggests that consuming the adequate amount of zinc daily helps supports the human body’s natural immune function.

A stroll through your local pharmacy will no doubt turn up dozens of various zinc-fortified items, such as throat lozenges and other general cold and flu remedies. Its popularity as an additive stems from the fact that zinc is believed to be a necessary catalyst for more than 100 enzymes produced by the body. Without access to these enzymes the immune system is unable to function at full strength.

Besides supporting a healthy immune system, zinc is also essential for DNA and protein synthesis and helps to ensure normal growth and development during pregnancy. While most people get zinc from their regular diet, there appears to be a relatively high rate of deficiency among older populations. Unlike many vitamins and minerals, zinc is not stored by the body and must be replenished daily.

This inability to stockpile the mineral, along with poorer absorption rates and an increased need, may explain why the elderly seem to be prone to zinc deficiency. And, some researchers say, may explain why they appear to benefit so well from dietary supplementation of zinc.

According to the recent findings of a study conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), elderly people with abnormally low levels zinc in their blood serum may be more susceptible to acquiring pneumonia than their peers. The research was carried out in the Boston, Massachusetts area by the Tufts University Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Center on Aging (HNRCA). The lab serves as a primary field research arm of the USDA.

The HNRCA team had previously conducted a year-long study to monitor the effects of essential dietary vitamins and minerals on the immune response and respiratory infection rates of roughly 600 elderly people living in 33 local area nursing care facilities.

Original analysis of the data showed a noticeable 20 percent decrease in the rate at which the participants developed colds and other dangerous respiratory ailments.

A second examination of the data turned up additional connections between the amount of zinc they consumed and the likelihood of them developing pneumonia.

Not only did the researchers find that subjects with zinc blood serum levels within the normal range were less likely to develop pneumonia in the first place, those who did become infected also exhibited reduced symptom duration, were less likely to need prescription antibiotics, and those who were forced to resort to antibiotics were dependent on them for fewer days.

While these findings strongly suggest that the commonly perceived relationship between healthy vitamin and mineral levels, particularly zinc and vitamin E, and immune defense in the elderly is well-founded, researchers caution that additional testing is required to better understand their connection.

If you’re looking for a simple way to increase your zinc intake, regardless of your age, then I would recommend eating more foods high in zinc or taking a zinc orotate supplement. Unlike many other zinc products, this high-quality natural form of bio-available zinc carries a neutral electrical charge and passes through cell membranes with ease.

View original article here

Friday 14 January 2011

Study: Aspirin May Increase Risk of Crohn’s Disease by 5x

Aspirin and Crohn's Disease

Taking small daily doses of aspirin have been recommended by allopathic doctors for some time. Beyond its more typical use as an analgesic for occasional headache, fever and body aches, aspirin and its close derivatives are frequently used by people the world over to help the minor symptoms of a wide range of health conditions.

There’s a large body of documentation supporting the little white pill’s ability to prevent heart attack and stroke, as well as a number of other serious health concerns such as the formation of blood clots in high-risk individuals.

More recently however, an increasing number of potentially serious side effects associated with its daily use have come to light.

If taken regularly over an extended period of time, even very small doses of aspirin can lead to the formation of painful stomach and intestinal ulcers. Larger doses have also been associated with tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and it is know to interact poorly with a number of other pharmaceutical drugs. There is also a small but noteworthy potential for allergic reactions, particularly in younger children.

Aspirin is the oldest of what are known as “nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.” Now, according to researchers at the University of East Anglia (UAE) in the United Kingdom, it appears that taking aspirin regularly may also increase the risk of developing Crohn’s disease in some individuals by up to five times.

Crohn’s disease is a devastating form of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) that can cause severe irritation, and even bleeding, throughout the entire entire digestive tract. Its impact on sensitive digestive tissues is undisputed.

Aspirin’s tendency to cause ulcers with prolonged use is what initially lead University researchers to investigate the connection between the two. Researchers conducted followup investigations on 200,000 participants who had been involved with an earlier European study, started in 1993, which focused on the link between cancer, nutrition and aspirin use.

The research teams tracked volunteers aged 30-74 living in the UK, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Italy. It wasn’t until 2004 that a small but statistically noticeable number of them began to be diagnosed with Crohn’s disease.

Dr. Andrew Hart of UEA’s School of Medicine: “This is early work but our findings do suggest that the regular use of aspirin could be one of many factors which influences the development of this distressing disease in some patients.. I would urge aspirin users to continue taking this medication since the risk of aspirin users possibly developing Crohn’s disease remains very low – only one in every 2000 users, and the link is not yet finally proved.” [1]

While only a small percentage (about one in every 2000) of the subjects involved developed the disease, the rate appears to be about five times the expected average for a population sample of its size. Researchers caution that while the numbers suggest strongly that there is a connection between regular aspirin use and Crohn’s, further investigation is needed. If your regularly take asprin, please continue to do so, until you fully discuss your options with your doctor first.

All I have to say is one day soon I hope all of these toxic compounds are taken off the market and doctors are taught to address the root cause of health problems instead of the symptoms. Just one more reason people should keep their body healthy and colon clean!

View original article here

How Dangerous is Modern Medicine?

Modern Medicine

Faith in your doctor or health care provider’s ability to safely administer quality medical attention is something most of us take for granted. After all, these are the men and women we turn to when our health is at its worst. Whether it’s a bad case of the flu, a broken bone, or the birth of a new child, we expect them to be there for us when we really need them.

Unfortunately, they’re still only human. And that means even the very best of them still make mistakes.

Sometimes, those mistakes can have deadly consequences. Medical Doctors practicing in many parts of the developed world have become increasingly dependent on the skills and technical expertise of large and expensive support staffs. Nurse practitioners, laboratory and radiological technicians, as well as billing and insurance personnel are all common sights in even small town family doctor’s offices.

There’s a good chance you’ll spend more time with these people than with your actual doctor. Not only does this lead to increased red-tape and larger medical bills, it also significantly increases the room for human error.

According to a mountain of statistics complied by a team of researchers, led by Drs. Gary Null, PhD and Carolyn Dean MD, ND, has become the ‘poster-study’ for this sickening phenomenon. The study, succinctly titled “Death by Medicine,” was initially published in 2006 and shows that more than 750,000 deaths occur in the United States alone as a direct result of poor medical care. That’s significantly more than the number of lives lost to either heart disease or cancer.

According to the study, it’s estimated that nine million Americans are unnecessarily hospitalized every year. Additionally, every year approximately seven to eight million people undergo unnecessary surgical or otherwise invasive medical procedures, plus a whopping 20 million unnecessary prescriptions are written for antibiotics to treat minor VIRAL infections.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. In spite of this overwhelming tide of data, the American industrial medical machine roars on almost unchecked. Practical, safe and proven alternatives such as the use of holistic natural medicine and effective body cleansing techniques for the prevention and care of minor illness are either balked at or forcibly annexed by the corporate and regulatory entities that have done everything in their power to monopolize and exploit healthcare.

The Green Body Cleanse

This may very well be one of the greatest problems to face the modern world. The problem itself stems from doctors being taught to treat the symptoms of disease instead of the root cause. In other ways, it’s the result of simple human greed.

It’s safe to assume that the vast majority of medical doctors legitimately care about the health and well-being of their patients (or that they did before being jaded by the healthcare system).

As with any problem, there is always a solution. The solution is educating yourself and cleansing your body and living environment of disease causing toxins. Disease and poor health cannot exist in a clean body. I recommend reading my new book “The Green Body Cleanse” to learn about how you can take responsibility for your own health and live a happy disease free life.

View original article here

Thursday 13 January 2011

The Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Inhalers

We all know about the great health benefits of Himalayan salt, especially when used with food. Now, there is a new way of getting more of its “healing energy” into our bodies. Using a Himalayan Salt Inhaler offers an easy, drug-free way to conveniently get many of the multiple benefits of salt-air therapy. The following article will discuss Himalayan salt inhaler therapy and the health benefits associated with its use.

Human beings have been using salt for therapeutic use for thousands of years. Anyone who has spent a day at the ocean intuitively knows that salt-filled air is good for them. Just ask our good friend, the ancient physician Hippocrates (the father of modern medicine), who used to steam salt to purify the air and the lungs.

In Europe, the ancient Greeks used what they called Halotherapy (Halo is the word for salt in Greek), for respiratory ailments. Similarly, cave rooms full of salty air have been considered therapeutic in countries in Eastern Europe for hundreds of years.

In fact, salt rooms that mimic these salty European caves are popping up in many polluted cities such as New York and London. These salt-filled, salt-lined rooms act as a powerful aid for people with bacterial infections and other breathing-related conditions.

Similarly, the ancient Ayurvedic and yogic cultures of India relied on salt inhaling therapies to cleanse out the nose and throat areas. Today the popular neti pot is an example of the extensive use of Himalayan crystal salt as an antibacterial and anti-allergen. Interestingly, it has been found that workers in salt mines do not develop lung diseases, but actually have extremely healthy respiratory health.

Modern salt air therapy, including Himalayan Crystal Salt Inhalers, combine both the ancient and the modern techniques. Himalayan salt crystals rest in a chamber inside the inhaler.

As you breathe, natural moisture in the air absorbs the salt particles into the lungs, which can help with sinus problems, asthma, the common cold, allergies, hay fever and congestion.

This therapeutic approach offers absolutely no negative side effects, such as those from commonly used steroid inhalers and other pharmaceutical drugs.

Salt inhalation therapy has been used for hundreds of years to boost our overall respiratory strength and lung capacity. Documented studies from the 1800's found that breathing pure, ionized (salted) air in salt mines could help prevent and reduce respiratory conditions. Other respiratory issues that a Himalayan Salt Inhaler can help remedy include nasal catarrh, breathlessness, hay fever, tonsillitis, bronchitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis, and the general irritation cause by smoking and air pollution.

Himalayan salt has been used for centuries as a cleansing agent, and a preventative tool against germs, bacteria and fungus. In fact, it is a commonly used holistic health practice to help individuals with asthma and bacterial pneumonia, and may even work better than some of the commonly prescribed antibiotics for these conditions.

Himalayan Salt

Crystal salt is a known anti-inflammatory, aiding in the body’s ability to fight off inflammatory responses that lead to deterioration in the body over time.

The human breathes in a shocking amount of chemical pollutants, as well as smoke, dust, smog and pet dander. Particularly if we live in a large town or city, our lungs are under constant stress from air pollution. Similarly, many smokers have found comfort in using the Himalayan salt inhaler, as it helps reduce withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting.

High in the mineral potassium, the Himalayan sea salt inhaler may also aid in stabilizing blood pressure.

Given its ability to increase the body’s natural ability to breathe deeply, a salt inhaler may provide a variety of psychological benefits. In general people just feel better, as the ability to breathe easily promotes their body’s own natural relaxation response.

Using a Himalayan salt inhaler is believed to help people breathe better at night. It may also reduce or eliminate night coughs, snoring, and breath-related sleeping conditions.

Salt is a natural cleansing expectorant, and can aid in reducing excess mucous and general nose and throat stuffiness.

A crystal salt inhaler is great for taking aboard an airplane, as the salt hydrates the respiratory system while we travel.

I love the benefits of salt inhalers. My family uses them on a regular basis and we always get great results. I highly recommend every family purchase and use these. They are great to use during the flu season as well!

~Dr. G

View original article here

11 Foods That Speed Up Your Metabolism

While there are no short-cuts to losing weight, there are a few things you can do to boost your metabolism. Exercising regularly and getting plenty of sleep are two of the best things you can do. However, there are also plenty of foods that speed metabolism, so adding them to your diet may give you the extra edge to lose more weight.

Below is a list of eleven foods that speed metabolism. Think of these foods as support mechanisms on your path towards fat loss, as any diet that keeps the pounds off requires sustained effort and exercise.

1. Hot peppers

Hot Peppers

Jalapeno, habanero, cayenne and other forms of spicy peppers directly boost metabolism and circulation. In fact, eating hot peppers not only speeds up your metabolism, it also reduces cravings. This is related to its capsaicin content, a constituent that stimulates the body’s pain receptors, temporarily increasing blood circulation and metabolic rate. If you have ever experienced a bout of intense sweating after eating a particularly hot tamale, this shouldn’t come as a surprise. In fact, studies have shown that eating hot peppers can boost the metabolism by up to 25%, with the spike lasting for up to 3 hours.

2. Whole Grains: Oatmeal & Brown Rice

Whole Grains

Whole grains are chock-full of nutrients and complex carbohydrates that speed up metabolism by stabilizing our insulin levels. Slow-release carbs, such as oatmeal, brown rice and quinoa offer long-lasting energy, without the spikes associated with other sugar-rich foods. We want to keep our insulin levels low, as spikes in this chemical tell the body that it needs to begin storing extra fat.

Broccoli Boosts Metabolism

3. Broccoli

High in calcium (a known weight-reducer), broccoli is also extraordinarily high in vitamins C, K and A. One serving of broccoli will also provide you with plenty of folate and dietary fiber, plus a variety of antioxidants. Broccoli is also one of the best detox foods you can add to your diet.

4. Soups

Soup Boosts Metabolism

Studies show that people who eat soups eat less solid food with their main meals. One study on soup done at Penn State University found that the liquid goodness offered a appetite reducing combination of liquids and solids that reduced intake of excess foods, speeding up the metabolism for fat burning. In the study, women chose one of three 270-calorie snacks before lunch.

5. Green Tea

Green Tea

It is now becoming a well-known fact, through multiple scientific studies, that green tea extract significantly increases metabolism, as well as provide a variety of other health benefits. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also rich in the antioxidants needed for optimal health.

6. Apples and Pears

Apple Metabolism Foods

Studies show that these two fruits help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. A study done at the State University of Rio de Janeiro found that women eating three small apples or pears daily, lost more weight than women who did not. Apples and pears are also two fruits that you want to eat organic.

7. Spices

Metabolism Foods

From cayenne to garlic to cinnamon, spices are one of the best ways you can keep your metabolic rates high. Especially speedy are the more pungent spices such as black pepper, mustard seeds, powdered onion and ginger. One Canadian study found the use of spices enabled people to burn up to 1,000 more calories daily than those not incorporating spices into their diet.

Grapefruit Speeds Metabolism

8. Citrus fruits

Fruits such as grapefruit have been shown to help us burn fat and keep metabolism high. This could be related to the fruits’ high amount of vitamin C, a component that again, reduces insulin spikes.

9. Foods High in Calcium

Calcium Boosts Metabolism

A study done at the University of Tennessee found that people who consumed 1,200-1,300 milligrams of calcium a day lost almost double the amount of weight as those who were not getting enough calcium in their diet. To help boost your metabolism, eat plenty of foods high in calcium. If you are unable to eat more of these foods, then you should consider taking a calcium supplement.

10. Foods High in Omega-3's

Omega-3 Foods Boost Metabolism

Foods that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids are a great way to speed your metabolism. These acids reduce the production of a hormone called leptin, a natural chemical thatlowers metabolism. Animal studies done at the University of Wisconsin found that lab mice with low leptin levels produced faster metabolic rates than mice with higher levels of the hormone.

Another study done by the Mayo Clinic found that African tribes with a heavy fish-based diet had leptin levels up to five times lower than tribes that did not consume fish. Please keep in mind that there are many other nutritional sources of Omega-3 fatty acids, besides fish. These foods include many nuts and seeds. Hemp oil and flax seed oil are both great additions to your diet, as they are naturally high in essential fatty acids.

11. Purified Water

Okay, it’s not exactly a food, but it is a metabolism booster. A recent German study found that drinking water speeds up fat burning. It is also a natural appetite suppressant and detoxifier.

Besides the foods listed above, there are many other ways you can boost your metabolism. First off, don’t drink sugary sodas, energy drinks and other fatty, high processed foods. While some of these foods may give you a caffeine boost, they will not help you lose weight or boost metabolism. Whenever you eat do eat the metabolism boosting foods listed above, be sure to chew them thoroughly, as this will aid in proper digestion.

Be sure to get plenty of sleep. Try to reduce your stress levels as much as you can. Follow a regular exercise routine that consists of lots of cardio. Doing a colon cleanse and a liver flush are two other great ways to increase your metabolism and improve your overall health.

Did I miss any other metabolism boosting foods? Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below

~Dr. G

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