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Must Read Vitamins and Minerals To Be Banned

From time to time, an issue comes along that is so important that we have to devote a newsletter to it, in preference to promoting our products for our short term interest. This is one of those times.

The banning, within months of something as innocuous as vitamins and minerals. Seems incredible doesn't it? Would and could the EU really ban most vitamins and minerals from being available in meaningful dosages? Is something as surreal as this really happening? Unfortunately the answer is yes, and it is very likely under the soon to be finalised EU regulations, and things are not looking good at all.

All this despite the fact that there was not even one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008, according to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

(It is conservatively estimated that around 200,000 Americans and 40,000 Brits die every year from the use of correctly prescribed conventional medications).

Yet the EU do not seem to be interested in these facts. Read full newsletter here:

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Study: Leafy Green Vegetables May Boost Your Immune Defenses

Green Veggies And Immune System

Heated battles have raged across the world’s dinner tables for about as long as anyone can remember. The topic of this unending debate? Vegetables.

Despite their most valiant efforts many parents still struggle with their kids about eating their nightly serving of greens. Visiting your local farmers markets, fresher produce and more interesting/flavorful recipes have been helping to slowly turn the tide, but arming yourself with a little extra knowledge before going into battle doesn’t usually hurt either.

According to newly presented research, eating green vegetables may be an even better way to our bodies healthy than we could have possibly guessed. In addition to being a well-known source of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients, not to mention both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, it seems that green vegetables of all types are also a key source of specialized chemical signals that our immune systems use to self-communicate.

Researchers working with the Barbraham Institute, an independently operated biomedical science center closely aligned with Cambridge University in England, have discovered a new connection between cruciferous, or leafy green vegetables, body-wide immune response.

By examining the effects of an artificially controlled diet, completely lacking and green vegetable matter, in laboratory mice, the Barbraham researchers were able to show a marked decline in immune capability over a relatively short span of time. In fact, in as little as two to three weeks, most of their test mice showed a staggering 70-80% reduction in intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IELs)—a fundamental component of healthy immune function in most mammals, including both mice and humans.

Seeing this, the researchers were able to then trace a complex, multistage relationship between specific chemical compounds found in green cruciferous vegetables, IEL cells, and a cell-surface protein, scientifically referred to as aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhRs). Essentially, they believe that the chemicals found primarily in these vegetables trigger activity in AhR proteins, which in turn seem to at least partially regulate the production of IEL cells throughout the body.

What’s more, AhR proteins play their own additional role in immune defense outside of IEL production. While IEL cells are best known for destroying foreign and infectious material to protect their parent organism, AhR also help to maintain intracellular genetic integrity by acting as a sort of glue which holds DNA together and makes it less vulnerable to attack.

The research team behind this initial investigation is however quick to point out that their findings are only preliminary, and have so far only been examined in laboratory animals. A great deal of additional study is still needed to determine whether or not these same chemical relationships fully apply to humans. But we do know for a fact, that consuming more and more green vegetables are definitely a great way to improve your diet.

While these new findings may be a bit abstract for some kids to really sink their teeth into, it doesn’t change the fact there they give us all yet another reason to make sure get in our daily servings of green vegetables — even if they aren’t always our favorite thing on the menu.

Are you getting enough leafy green vegetables in your diet? Let’s discuss, in the comments below!

~Dr. G

View the original article here

NRG Laser: An Amazing Technology That May Improve Your Health

NRG Laser Therapy

Hi everyone I would like to share some amazing technology with you. I have been researching a fairly new device used to balance the body and eliminate a host of negative health conditions using advanced laser frequency technology.

It’s called NRGnano Biofeedback – cold laser therapy. It actually tests the body’s reaction to THOUSANDS of frequencies (foods, allergens, chemicals, etc) and imprints balancing frequencies back into the body using a cold laser. It’s simply amazing! The focus of this therapy is on allergies, the inflammatory trigger to many symptoms.

This process is totally painless and I would highly recommend you try this if you or someone you know is suffering from:

AllergiesFrequent coldsHeadaches/MigrainesDepression/AnxietySkin Irritations (psoriasis/eczema)Sleep Disorders“After nine treatments with the NRG, my horrible allergies and rashes have disappeared”.“After completing the series of treatments, my allergies are gone. Amazing”“Nothing has ever worked before for my allergies and respiratory issues. I’ve even had allergy injections which were extremely painful. I feel like I got my life back!”

If you are in the Houston or surrounding area, give Paddy a call at 713-408-3456 to learn more.

Dr. G

View the original article here

Friday 16 December 2011

15 Foods High in Folic Acid

It’s important to get adequate amounts of folic acid in the diet for a variety of health reasons, both physical and mental, but mostly for cellular growth and regeneration. In fact, a recent article from the New York Times named folic acid one of the most “luscious micronutrients” found in foods, and multiple studies suggest that a lack of folic acid may lead to mental conditions such as depression.

Physiologically, consuming enough folic acid allows the body to perform many of its essential functions, including nucleotide biosynthesis in cells, DNA synthesis and repair, red blood cell creation, and also helps to prevent anemia. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is perhaps most well known for its applications in the prevention of fetal deformities, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as several types of cancer. The good news is that there are many rich sources of folic acid that are easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

The following list will discuss the top ten foods with folic acid. Of course, organic is best (especially if you are pregnant!).

Spinach Folic Acid Food

It should come as no surprise that one of the planet’s healthiest foods is also one of the highest in folate. For an immediate boost in folic acid, consider adding more spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens and romaine lettuce into your daily diet. Just one large plate of these delicious leafy greens can provide you with almost all of your daily needs for folic acid.

Below is a short list of leafy greens that are high in folic acid.

Spinach — 1 cup = 263 mcg of folate (65% DV)Collard Greens — 1 cup = 177 mcg of folate (44% DV)Turnip Greens — 1 cup = 170 mcg of folate (42% DV)Mustard Greens — 1 cup = 103 mcg of folate (26% DV)Romaine Lettuce — 1 cup = 76 mcg of folate (19% DV)

Asparagus is high in folic acid

This woody treat is perhaps the most nutrient dense foods with folic acid out of the entire vegetable kingdom. Eating just one cup of boiled asparagus will give you 262 mcg of folic acid, which accounts for approximately 65% of your daily needs. Not only is asparagus a delicious snack, but it’s also full of nutrients your body craves, including Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Manganese.

Broccoli Has Folate

Not only is broccoli one of the best detox foods you can eat, it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of broccoli will provide you with approximately 24% of your daily folic acid needs, not to mention a whole host of other important nutrients. We recommend eating organic broccoli raw or lightly steamed.

Papaya is high in folic acid

Many fruits contain folic acid, but citrus fruits rank the highest. Oranges are an especially rich source of folic acid. One orange holds about 50 mcg, and a large glass of juice may contain even more. Other folate-rich fruits include papaya, grapefruit, grapes, banana, cantaloupe and strawberries. Here is a short list of fruits high in folic acid.

Papaya — One papaya = 115 mcg of folate (29% DV)Oranges — One orange = 40 mcg of folate (10% DV)Grapefruit — One grapefruit = 30 mcg of folate (8% DV)Strawberries — 1 cup = 25 mcg of folate (6.5% DV)Raspberries — 1 cup = 14 mcg of folate (4% DV)

Beans are the best folic acid food

Beans and pulses especially high in folic acid include pinto beans, lima beans, green peas, black-eyed peas and kidney beans. Similarly, a small bowl of any type of lentils will give you the majority of your recommended daily amounts for folate. Here is a short list of how much which beans have the most folic acid.

Lentils — 1 cup = 358 mcg of folate (90% DV)Pinto Beans — 1 cup = 294 mcg of folate (74% DV)Garbanzo Beans — 1 cup = 282 mcg of folate (71% DV)Black Beans — 1 cup = 256 mcg of folate (64% DV)Navy Beans — 1 cup = 254 mcg of folate (64% DV)Kidney Beans — 1 cup = 229 mcg of folate (57% DV)Lima Beans — 1 cup = 156 mcg of folate (39% DV)Split Peas — 1 cup = 127 mcg of folate (32% DV)Green Peas — 1 cup = 101 mcg of folate (25% DV)Green Beans — 1 cup = 42 mcg of folate (10% DV)

Avocados are high in folic acid

The most beloved vegetable of Mexican fare, the buttery avocado holds up to 90mcg of folate per cup, which accounts for appoximately 22% of your daily needs. Not only are avocados one of the best foods with folic acid, but it’s also an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamin K and dietary fiber. Adding them to sandwiches or salads will make for an extra-healthy treat.

Okra is a Folic Acid Food

The world’s slimiest veggie is also one of the most nutrient rich. Okra has the distinct ability to simultaneously offer vitamins and minerals while cleansing the entire digestive tract from toxic build-up. When it comes to folate, Okra is a great source. Just one cup of cooked okra will give you approximately 37 mcg of folic acid.

Brussel Sprouts

While brussel sprouts probably isn’t your favorite vegetable, there is no denying that they are one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled brussel sprouts will give you approximately 25% of your daily recommended amount. Brussel sprouts are also high in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese and potassium. Even with the abundance of nutrients, it still remains incredibly difficult to convince your kid to give them a try.

It doesn’t matter if it’s pumpkin, sesame, sunflower or flax seeds, eating them raw or sprouted, or sprinkling them onto your next salad will add a healthy dose of folic acid. Sunflower seeds, flax seeds and peanuts are especially high in folate, with one cup offering up to 300 mcg. Nuts are also very high in folic acid, with both peanuts and almonds ranking especially high. Below is a short list of the best seeds and nuts for folic acid.

Sunflower Seeds — ¼ cup = 82 mcg of folate (21% DV)Peanuts — ¼ cup = 88 mcg of folate (22%)Flax Seeds — 2 tbs = 54 mcg of folate (14% DV)Almonds — 1 cup = 46 mcg pf fp;ate (12% DV)

Cauliflower has folate

This cruciferous vegetable is typically regarded as one of the best vitamin C foods, but it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of boiled cauliflower will give you approximately 55 mcg of folate, accounting for 14% of your recommended daily value. We recommend adding fresh cauliflower to a salad with some of the other folic acid foods on this list.

Beets have folate

Beets are a great source for antioxidants that provide detox support, making them one of the best liver cleanse foods on the planet. While that’s a great reason to add them to your diet, beets are also known as one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled beets will provide you with approximately 136 mcg of folate, accounting for 34% of your daily needs.

Organic Corn

You probably have a can of corn in your pantry right now. This popular vegetable also contains plenty of folate. Just one cup of cooked corn will give you approximately 76 mcg of folic acid, accounting for almost 20% of your daily needs. We would recommend avoiding canned veggies and opting for fresh and organic.


Celery is commonly regarded as a great food to help with kidney stones, but did you know it’s also a great source for folic acid? Just one cup of raw celery will give you approximately 34 mcg of folate, accounting for 8% of your daily needs.

Carrots are delicious

Carrots are another extremely popular vegetable that is probably in your home right now. Just one cup of raw carrots will give you almost 5% of your daily recommended needs for folic acid. Eat baby carrots as a snack or add them to your salads for a folate boost!


Squash may not be the most popular vegetable for your family, but there is no denying its nutritional benefits. Whether it’s summer squash or winter squash, adding this veggie to your diet will help give you a boost in folic acid. Here is a breakdown of how much folate can be found in squash.

Winter squash — 1 cup = 57 mcg of folate (14% DV) Summer Squash — 1 cup = 36 mcg of folate (9% DV)

These are just a few of the foods with folic acid. What would you add to this list? Will you add more of these foods to your diet? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments below.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Study: Folic Acid in Early Pregnancy Associated With Reduced Risk of Severe Language Delay in Children

Any decent pediatrician can tell you how important it is for expectant mothers to keep up with their prenatal vitamins during pregnancy. During this time, it’s essential that both mothers and their developing babies have access to all the vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients their bodies require.

Among the most important of these essential nutrients is folic acid, sometimes also referred to as folate, or vitamin B9—a standard component of nearly all high-quality prenatal multivitamins. It has long been generally associated with proper neurological development during gestation and early infancy, as well as possibly helping to mitigate a number of other potential health risks, such as stroke and prostate cancer, later on in life.

While there exists little dispute among medical experts regarding the overall importance of folic acid, new findings recently presented by research scientists working with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, in Oslo, suggest however that the role it plays during pre and postnatal brain development may be even more important, and specific, than previously realized.

Between 1999 and 2010, the researchers collected and analyzed data on a total of 38,954 Norwegian children (18,998 girls, 19,956 boys) and their mothers in order to assess what effect, if any, prenatal folic acid supplementation had on language acquisition by age three.

When they compared the instances of severely delayed language development among children whose mothers supplemented with prenatal vitamins which contained folic acid with those who took prenatal vitamins which did not, as well as those children whose mothers did not use any form of prenatal vitamin whatsoever, the researchers were able to show a marked link between the use of folic acid enriched vitamins and decreased risk of language delay.

In addition to its benefit to pregnant mothers and their young, folic acid plays a vital role in the general health of cellular material. Without an ample supply of folic acid, the DNA and RNA synthesis required for ongoing cell replication and maintenance. Long term folate deficiency has also been linked to clinical depression and similar mental health conditions in adults.

Even armed with this knowledge, getting enough folic acid from diet alone can be difficult. Even more so for women are, or trying to become, pregnant. There are of course a handful of foods with folic acid, including liver and egg yolks, plus many vegetarian-friendly options, such as leafy green vegetables, peas, beans and other legumes, and brewer’s yeast.

The most effective method for expectant mothers to ensure they get their recommended daily allotment of folic acid is still however a good prenatal multivitamin supplement. Unfortunately, selecting the right prenatal vitamin can be a difficult task, especially for women who prefer to use natural organic vitamins rather than their prescription only counterparts.

Perfect Prenatal Multivitamins are easily some of the finest all-natural prenatal vitamins available anywhere. The are made with whole-food sourced ingredients, so they’re easy for the body to absorb and utilize, and also contain full range of live probiotic cultures hand selected to improve pregnancy.

View the original article here

Thursday 15 December 2011

Study: More Vitamin B in Mother’s Diet Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer in Offspring

Vitamin B in Mother's Diet

Few experts question the influence a mother’s diet can have on her children’s long term physical health. Yet many believe that this effect is mostly sociological, and limited to positive or negative role-modeling, and the development of general dietary habits later in life. New research suggests, however, that the foods moms eat could impact the health of their children much more directly.

Scientists at Tufts University’s USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (USDA HNRCA), near Boston, have recently published the findings of a new study which shows a strong connection between the quantity of B vitamins pregnant mice consume and the likelihood of their offspring developing colorectal cancer as adults.

Three test groups of pregnant and nursing mice, which were genetically engineered to be predisposed to develop colorectal cancer, were fed diets with either higher than normal, adequate, or slightly deficient amounts of folate and vitamins B2, B6, and B12. Once fully weened, all newborn mice were fed identical, nutritionally balanced diets through adulthood.

The occurrence of tumor development appeared similar between both the adequate and B vitamin deficient groups, with about 60 percent of the mice in each of these two groups eventually developing colon cancer. In comparison, less than 20 percent of the mice in the group that was given larger than normal doses of B vitamins were found to have malignant growths.

While these figure are impressive, the researchers caution that the study itself is only a preliminary investigation, and additional studies will be needed to further asses the correlation between maternal vitamin B consumption and reduced risk of cancer in humans.

Dr. Jimmy Crott, PhD, lead author of the HNRCA study: “We saw, by far, the fewest intestinal tumors in the offspring of mothers consuming the supplemented diet. Although the tumor incidence was similar between offspring of deficient and adequate mothers, 54% of tumors in the deficient offspring were advanced and had invaded surrounding tissue while only 18% of tumors in the offspring of adequate mothers displayed these aggressive properties.” [1]

Most healthcare providers already recommend higher than normal intake of folate and other essential B vitamins during pregnancy and while nursing as part of routine prenatal care. And accordingly, most popular brands of prenatal vitamins contain significantly larger than normal doses of all four B vitamins as compared to regular multivitamins. The standard reasons for this, however, have nothing to do with with the prevention of colon cancer.

In addition to their newly discovered potential for possibly reducing the risk of colorectal cancer, Vitamin B – folate, more specifically – has long been known to play an important role in the prevention of spina bifida and related defects of the neural tube (a sort of embryonic forerunner of the the central nervous system) during fetal gestation. It’s also believed to have a strong influence on proper neurological development in very young children.

Personal Note: I recommend the prenatal vitamins from New Chapter Organics and when taking a B-vitamin supplement make sure the formula contains methylcobalamin instead of cyanocobalamin.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

8 Uses for Organic Beeswax

Beeswax is yet another gift that Mother Nature has given us to improve our lives. You could write a book about the many ways you can use it, but when you head to the store, make sure what you bring home is organic. Why is this so important?

Beehives around the world use pesticides that are fat-soluble, which means they can accumulate in the beeswax. In order to be certified as organic, drugs and chemicals cannot be used on the land within 3 miles of the beehive since this is the bees’ flying radius. It’s not a small endeavor, but it’s worth it to protect your health.

So now that you have your organic beeswax, here are some our favorite uses!

Keep your lips moisturized during the winter with this natural protectant. To make it, add ½ ounce of beeswax to a small double boiler and melt on low heat. Then add 1 teaspoon of raw honey, 2 ounces of cold pressed organic olive oil and 2 ounces of cold pressed organic hemp seed oil and stir for 1 to 2 minutes. If you’d like to give it a little flavor, add about 20 drops of organic peppermint essential oil and stir well. Then remove it from heat and distribute into lip balm tins or tubes.

Lock in your skin’s natural moisture with beeswax, and add the antioxidant vitamin E to help protect and repair rough, dry, or chapped skin. Melt 4 ounces of sweet organic almond oil and 1 ounce of beeswax in a double boiler. Remove it from the heat, add 2 ounces of distilled water, and stir well. Then add 10 drops of vitamin E oil and 10 drops of lavender essential oil, and stir continuously until the mixture has cooled. Pour into individual tins.

Beeswax Candles

If you want to create a little ambiance without the fear of any dripping or toxic smoke, the bees have you covered. These candles give off the sweet smell of honey. All you need to make your own is beeswax sheets, a wick, a sharp knife, and a safe cutting surface.

Beeswax helps with molding and locking in flavors. It is added to many candies, such as Jelly Belly jelly beans and Haribo’s gummy bears. It’s also used to create the distinctive crunchy crust of the small French pastries called canneles, which are definitely worth making for yourself at home!

You can make a salve that’s great for poison ivy, poison oak, and other scratch-worthy adversaries. In a small saucepan, simmer 1 tablespoon of chickweed powder, 1 tablespoon of comfrey power, and 1 pint of organic olive oil for 3 hours. Then strain, add 2 ounces of beeswax, and pour into individual tins.

Beeswax can also make an effective salve for aches and pains. In a small saucepan, simmer 1 tablespoon chickweed powder, 1 tablespoon wormwood powder, and 2 pints of sweet olive oil for 3 hours. Strain, add 3 ounces of beeswax and 10 drops of tea tree oil, and pour into individual tins.

If you have an old, beautiful bureau, it’s likely you also have problems getting those drawers to slide out smoothly. Add a thin coat of beeswax on the wooden rails, and they’ll be opening and closing like new! The same technique will also work on those pesky sliding glass doors that no longer glide smoothly.

Want to make your party invitations stand out? Give them a fancy, old-fashioned look by using a sealing wax made from beeswax. Then find the right stamp to leave your impression.

Of course, these arent the only ways you can use organic beeswax. How do you use this gift from Mother Nature? We would love to hear your uses for beeswax in the comments below!

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Wednesday 14 December 2011

How to Make Organic Coconut Milk Kefir

Kefir, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is a healthy and delicious cultured milk drink, similar to yogurt, that has been enjoyed throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and even certain parts of Asia for centuries. Much of the Western world, however, is just now beginning to discover the many benefits of this amazing drink.

Depending on their area of origin, most traditional recipes call for either cow or goat’s milk to be used as a base, for the kefir cultures to ferment. Fortunately though for vegans and people who are sensitive to dairy, they also work quite well with coconut milk.

Like yogurt and other probiotic foods, kefir that generally requires a starter culture of some kind. Because each culture is a unique living ecosystem, and reacts differently to different environmental factors, the subtle differences between one batch and the next can be quite considerable.

In the case of kefir, new cultures are started using specially prepared, fermented kefir grains. These “grains” are a mixture of yeast and bacteria built-up around the remnants of sugar, protein and fat of what was formally cereal grain. While this may not sound particularly appetizing – especially to those of us who didn’t grow up in a culture in which at-home fermentation of dairy is a common practice – it’s actually more robust and easier to work with than most yogurt starter cultures.

Necessary Ingredients:

1 Quart Jar (Glass)1 Wooden Mixing Spoon1 Quart of Undiluted Sweetened Organic Coconut Milk2 Tablespoons of organic live Kefir Grains (Available online)

After thoroughly cleaning and drying the glass jar, add kefir grains and then fill jar with freshly opened coconut milk. Mix slowly with wooden spoon. Cover jar with a loose-fitting cloth or paper towel. Set it aside and try to be patient. (It usually takes somewhere between 12 and 36 hours or so for the kefir culture to develop.)

After letting the mixture sit for about 12 hours, begin checking it every few hours. The coconut milk will thicken slightly as the kefir grains act on it. You can leave the grains in longer for a thicker, more sour kefir, but be careful not to overdo it.

Carefully remove all the kefir grains from your new kefir coconut milk and place milk in the refrigerator. Don’t be surprised if it continues to thicken as it cools. Enjoy it as it is, or let it warm back up to room temperature if you prefer to drink it the traditional way instead.

One of the best things about making your own kefir at home is the sustainability. Once you get started, it’s easy to continue making fresh kefir whenever you want. Simply store the leftover grains and a small amount of milk covered in the refrigerator until you’re ready to make another batch.

Has anybody here made their own coconut milk kefir? If so, we’d love to hear your thoughts on our kefir recipe!

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Study: Probiotics May Help Protect Infants From Respiratory Illness

Infant Probiotics

New findings presented by Finnish researchers at the University of Turku further supports the potential benefits of probiotics during the first months of life, particularly with regards to respiratory health.

The scientists claim a near 30 percent reduction in respiratory illness among infants whose diets were supplemented daily with the probiotic Bifidobacterium animalis, subspecies BB-12, as compared to those in their control group.

They also used the study as an opportunity to further test a new form of slow-delivery medical pacifier designed to administer more accurate dosages of medicine to very young children. The pacifiers have a small opening in their backplate for the storage of drugs. In the case of this study, tablets of the BB-12 probiotic.

The research team monitored 109 infants for a period of eight months beginning when each of the participants was about one month old. Following the double-blind experimental standard commonly used in such studies, the infants where divided into two groups. One set of participants received the BB-12 probiotic twice daily while the other set was given only placebo.

As opposed to the findings of many studies conducted in recent years into the effects of probiotic use in older children and adults, the Finnish data did not show any significant variation between the two participant groups with regard to overall gastrointestinal health or dependence on antibiotic drugs for the treatment of common illness. The data did, however, show a marked reduction in respiratory illness among members of the BB-12 group.

Researchers at the University of Turku:

“Our soft and broad new slow-release pacifier has been developed to contain a pouch in which the food supplement tablet can be inserted. The delivery method was tested before the study began: the BB-12–xylitol tablet and the control xylitol tablet dissolved from the pouch of the pacifier both slowly and completely during 7 to 15 minutes of sucking. Thus, the probiotic tablet could be delivered in a controlled way with the new pacifier.” [1]

Read the full study in the British Journal of Nutrition

Increased public awareness of the many benefits of taking a probiotic supplements or eating more foods with probiotics in fully grown bodies has led to its their inclusion in a wide range of foods and medicinal products. What many people do not realize is that certain strains of probiotic bacterium also occur naturally in breast milk.

While it is believed that these particular symbiotic strains have evolved over time as a way of kick-starting the digestive processes of very young humans, their discovery has prompted researchers to further investigate the possible benefits of other forms of probiotic bacteria during early childhood and adolescence.

The researchers caution that these findings are only preliminary and that additional testing on larger infant population samples is necessary before any definite conclusions can be reached. That said, the researchers remain optimistic that their findings could eventually lead to new preventative treatment options for respiratory infection and possibly other common forms of childhood illness. And in the meantime, there appears to be little harm in administering probiotics to young children under the guidance of a qualified medical professional.

I would personally recommend Latero-Flora probiotic. This is what I gave to my kids when they were both infants. Obviously, when it comes to the health of your children, you should always do the necessary research into any products they may take, as well as consult with their pediatrician beforehand.

What are your thoughts on this study about probiotics and infants? We would love to hear them in the comments below.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Sign the Raw Milk Petition on

As you probably know, here at Global Healing Center, we are big fans of raw milk. We are also big fans of being able to have the freedom to choose what we put into our body.

This is why we are asking all of our readers to check out this petition going on It is an official petition to the Obama Administration to legalize raw milk sales on a federal level.

Legalize Raw Milk Sales On A Federal Level

Give the people the freedom to choose whether drinking raw milk products is right for them by enabling the legalized sale and distribution of raw milk products across all states.

There are substantial health benefits from raw milk that are not available in pasteurized milk products.

Many of the nutritional, anti-microbial and immune-enhancing components of raw milk are greatly reduced in effectiveness by pasteurization, and completely destroyed by ultra-pasteurization.

The risks associated with drinking raw milk are greatly exaggerated. Compared to raw milk there are 515 times more illnesses from L-mono due to deli meats and 29 times more illness from L-mono due to pasteurized milk.

The Westin A. Price Foundation has more information at:

If you agree with the petition listed above, we would strongly encourage you to visit and sign the petition. This is your life, let your voice be heard.

~Dr. G

View the original article here

Chemicals in tattoo ink face scrutiny from the FDA

Tattoo Inks

There’s a deeply rooted need inside all of us to personalize the everyday items with which we surround ourselves. These personal touches of course vary considerably from one person to the next, but on some level, it’s something each and every one of us does.

For some, it’s as simple as the clothing they wear or the way they choose to style their hair. For others it goes a step further, and includes little things like customized cell phone cases, monographed neckties, or rear car bumpers wallpapered in stickers. For a growing number of young people however, the canvas of choice for these signature touches, is literally the skin they were born in.

Recent surveys show that upwards of 40% of American 20-somethings currently have at least one tattoo. And many of them, in case you hadn’t noticed, are practically covered in them. New research however shows that these self-identifiers many come at a high cost beyond the initial pain and financial investment.

A series of investigative studies spearheaded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (PDF) suggest that many of the inks commonly used in tattoos may have a serious negative long term impact on human health.

Questionable pigment sources of particular interest to the FDA researchers include a variety of dangerous heavy metals, phthalates, and hydrocarbons – all of which are known to act as cancer causing agents. And much of the concern surrounding the possible connection between modern tattoo inks and cancer has been centered on a small number of documented cases in which malignant melonoma and skin tumors were observed in tattooed skin.

That said however, the findings of this recent series of investigations have, so far, proven inconclusive at best.

Tina Alster, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Laser Surgeon, told NPR: “There are some chemicals that have been shown to be injected along with the tattoo inks to make them brighter or even psychedelic. There are some that actually glow in black light… nobody knows for sure what’s really in them. There are some, like cadmium, that are carcinogenic. Others cause granulomas, which is an allergic reaction in the skin.” [1]

Additionally, a 2010 study from the University of Regensburg in Germany found that some of the black tattoo inks are actually made from soot. These black tattoo inks commonly contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs may contain benzo(a)pyrene, a Group 1 carcinogen according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The EPA also classifies it among “the most potent and well-documented skin carcinogens.”

Researchers from the Department of Dermatology, University of Regensburg: “Tattooing with black inks entails an injection of substantial amounts of phenol and PAHs into skin. Most of these PAHs are carcinogenic and may additionally generate deleterious singlet oxygen inside the dermis when skin is exposed to UVA (e.g. solar radiation)” [2]

California and a handful of other states currently require that tattoo shop patrons sign a waver informing them of their pending exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals before going under the needle. This however appears to be doing very little in terms of dissuading customers.

Tattoos, for what it’s worth, have always come with a certain amount of risk. And arguably, it’s this very air of danger that makes them seem so cool to so many people.

The oldest known tattoos date back to at least the neolithic era, roughly 5,000 years B.C. and are believed by many experts to have been created by rubbing ash into accidentally or intentionally created wounds.

Even the word “tattoo” itself has a certain connotation of danger. Taken from the Samoan word “Tatau,” it was originally used to describe a ritually slow, and reportedly very painful variation of the process which relied of barbed sticks to embed pigment under the skin. Severe infection, and even death were not uncommon following the procedure.

Today, even with the added safety and reduced pain offered by modern tattoo machines, the threat of being exposed to tetanus, hepatitis, syphilis and HIV remains very real in some places. And these are just the most serious risks of tattooing. You also have to factor in the risk of infections, allergies, scarring, granulomas and future MRI complications.

Although in most cases these risks can be mitigated simply by choosing a reputable, well-kept tattoo parlor staffed by a quality artist. Which, of course, is just common sense when deciding on something that you intend to wear for the rest of your natural life.

Think before you ink!

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Saturday 13 August 2011

The Health Benefits of Lactase

Lactase is an enzyme that hydrolyzes milk sugar (lactose) into its component parts, glucose and galactose, and assists in the digestion dairy products such as, ice cream, milk and cheese. Nutritionists estimate that 10-20% of the U.S. population is lactose intolerant, meaning they have an inability to break down lactose in many of the dairy products they eat.

Some ethnic groups have much higher levels of lactose intolerance. For example, research suggests that up to 75% of all African-Americans and Native Americans, and 90% of Asian-Americans experience at least some difficulty digesting milk sugar. But these are not the only people who may be susceptible to an imbalance of lactase in the gut. Certain digestive diseases and even minor injuries to the intestines can alter our enzyme balance.

The body naturally produces the lactase enzyme in the brush boreder of our small intestines, unless we are lactose intolerant. Lactase production is particularly high when we are infants because lactose accounts for roughly 40% of the total calorie content of breast milk.

The use of lactase as a supplemental agent to help people properly digest lactose has long been confirmed by the scientific community. Here are some of the great health benefits and studies that support the benefits of enzymes such as lactase:

Lactose Intolerance
Whereas animal-based lactase has been used for many years by people with lactose intolerance, increasing research on plant-based lactase offers some exciting evidence that it can offer just as many health benefits. A recent review published in the 2008 “Alternative Medicine Review: A Journal of Clinical Therapeutic found lactase to be an effective support for digestive imbalances.

Reduction in gas and bloating
Clinical research examining the health benefits of lactase has found that it may offer prevention and reduction of flatulence in human beings. Placebo-based studies show that preparations of microbial lactase can significantly lower belching, hydrogen production, bloating and other symptoms of flatulence in individuals with a reduced lactase count in the gut.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome
The aforementioned research suggests that similar enzymes may play a role in the reduction of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). This further leads us to the conclusion that supplementing with a lactase enzyme may help the estimated 1-in-5 Americans who have irritable bowel syndrome.

Digestive upset in children with autism
Studies also show a correlation between chronic diarrhea, children with autism spectrum disorder and lowered amounts of intestinal disaccharidase activity (i.e. presence of important digestive enzymes such as lactase, sucrase, and maltase.)

Inflammation in the digestive tract
Studies suggest that a reduced amount of intestinal lactase enzyme activity may contribute to diarrhea, infection, mucosal presence and other inflammatory responses in the gut. Supplementing with lactase may ease inflammatory responses such as indigestion, loose stools and sinus inflammation. To avoid these issues, supplementing with lactase may be an excellent idea.

Prevention of digestive upset associated with congenital digestive conditions
Scientists are now understanding the link between genetics and the digestive system. Some children and infants have chronic diarrhea, as well as cramping and abdominal distension. Studies show that the use of fungal-derived lactase in human studies have shown significant clinical improvements in children with these extremely challenging digestive conditions. This research further suggests a clear link between the use of carbohydrase enzymes like lactase as a useful aid for correcting digestive upset associated with enzyme deficiencies.

Lactase (FCC ALU/g) is measured in ALU’s (Lactase Units) based on the hydrolysis of carbohydrates. One ALU is calculated using a 15-minute hydrolysis of an o-nitrophenyl-ß-D-galactopyranoside substrate at 37°C and pH 4.5.

The FCC notation stands for Foods Chemical Codex, and is a division of USP (United States Pharmacopeia). It sets standards for ingredients. In the case of enzymes, FCC is a standard assay used to accurately determine the activity of enzymes. The current compendium is FCC VI.

Find a source that comes from all vegetarian, non-GMO sources, is kosher certified, contains no animal product and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans. The best form of lactase is derived from the fermentation of A. oryzae.


“Alternative Medicine Review: A Journal of Clinical Therapeutic”; The Role of Enzyme Supplementation in Digestive Disorders; Roxas; December 2008 PMID: 19152478Simadibrata M, Wanders RJA, Jan G, et al. Intestinal and colonic diseases: examination of small bowel enzymes in chronic diarrhea. J Gastroenterol Hepatol2003;18;53-6. (PDF)Horvath K, Papadimitriou JC, Rabsztyn A, Drachenberg C, Tildon JT. Gastrointestinal abnormalities in children with autistic disorder. JPediatr1999;135:559-63. PMID: 10547242Treem WR, Ahsan N, Sullivan B, et al. Evaluation of liquid yeast-derived sucrase enzyme replacement in patients with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency. Gastroenterology1993;105:1061. PMID: 8405850Making Sense of Digestive Enzymes (PDF)Lactose Intolerance. NIH Publication No. 98-2751. National HYPERLINK “” Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse

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Friday 12 August 2011

Study: Phytochemical Found in Broccoli & Cauliflower Attacks Prostate Cancer Cells

Broccoli Phytochemical Study

We all know that it’s important to eat our vegetables. At least, that’s what most of us have heard since we were kids. What our mother’s told us as when we were young, our doctors tell us as we get older. Sometimes though, it helps to have a more specific reason than high cholesterol, or even a motherly “because I said so.” Especially for people who aren’t big fans of eating organic greens.

According to a new study conducted at Oregon State University’s Linus Pauling Micronutrient Research Institute confirms that sulforaphane, a phytochemical found in broccoli and related cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower and cabbage, have a natural ability to target and attack prostate cancer cells without harming neighboring cells. Unconnected studies suggest it may have similar promise for breast cancer.

The active chemicals found in everyday foods – such as broccoli – are often much more potent than people would imagine. If fact, determining how to safely adapt these chemical ingredients for medical use is one of the biggest hurdles researchers face. Even edible plants that are considered “rich” in a given nutritional substance contain relatively low amounts of it by volume. The vast majority of these compounds may also become toxic to humans if taken in large enough concentrations.

While a number of previous investigations have proven that sulforaphane is able to attack both benign and malignant cancer cells, the Oregon State study is one of the first to prove that it is effective without disrupting otherwise healthy tissue. This gives researchers a tremendous tool for developing new, low-risk treatment options, and is likely to encourage additional research into the healing potential of other seemingly mundane edible plants.

Realistically, it could be some time before these findings are applied to any sort of drug development or cancer treatment in a traditional hospital setting. Meanwhile though, the researchers behind the study recommend that we all eat more organic cruciferous vegetables.

Foods High in Sulforaphane

Besides broccoli, a number of readily available cruciferous vegetables contain naturally large amounts of sulforaphane. Some good examples of foods high in this important phytochemical include mild and spicy radishes, turnips, watercress, cabbage, arugula, kale, chard, and most other leafy greens.

Unrelated studies also suggest a variety of other cancer-fighting compounds may be present in other herbs and garden vegetables. Celery and parsley, for instance, are especially rich in apigenin – a substance that has shown remarkable promise for fighting breast cancer. Trace amounts of apigenin are also found in oranges, apples, and some tree nuts. The problem is, it’s very difficult for the body to effectively extract it from any of these foods on its own.

Supplementing a balanced diet with natural digestive enzymes is a good way to break down and absorb these compounds, as well as essential vitamins and minerals. It is recommend that you use a systemic and digestive enzymes supplement.

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Pesticides Bug Me: An Organic Awareness Campaign By CCOF

Pesticides Bug Me

Many of you may already know, but our farm, Earth Harmony Organics, is certified organic by CCOF. As a contributing member, I frequently visit to get the latest organic news and check out their ever-growing list of resources.

I was pleased to see a new campaign that they recently started called “Pesticides Bug Me“. The goal is to educate the public about the detrimental effects of pesticides and to encourage consumers to buy certified organic products, helping to keep toxic pesticides out of their food and the environment. By raising awareness on this important issue, we can help wipe out the devastating effects of these toxic chemicals, save our planet and protect our health.

Executive Director of CCOF, Cathy Calfo: “At CCOF we don’t want to live in a world with unhealthy people and no bees. By purchasing certified organic and looking for the USDA label, consumers can make sure that they are buying clean, safe food.”

If pesticides bug you like they bug me and you are looking for a great cause to support, this may be the perfect fit. Right now, CCOF is accepting donations through their web site to the “Pesticides Bug Me” campaign. All donations will help support their non-profit efforts to certify organic products throughout the United States.

Remember, too, that buying certified organic products supports not only certifying agencies but organic farmers and distributors of organic produce, helping them to stay in business and increase the amount of land that is farmed using organic methods.

We understand if you can’t donate anything, as money is pretty tight for many people right now. You should at least check out CCOF’s site. They are one of the best resources for anybody looking to learn more about avoiding harmful chemicals in their food. Next time one of your friends or family members asks why you spend extra money on that carton of certified organic strawberries you’ll be able to rattle off some compelling facts about why, in the words of CCOF, “pesticides are scary stuff.”

As a part of their awareness campaign, CCOF is holding a t-shirt design contest for artists and graphic designers. They are accepting submissions from now until October 17, 2011. The winner will receive $250, inclusion of their artwork on the official “Pesticides Bug Me” t-shirt and be listed as an official graphic designer on the CCOF web site so that any members of the organic community needing design work can find you easily.

More details about the t-shirt design contest can be found by clicking on this link.

~Dr. G

Pesticides Bug Me

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Sunday 31 July 2011

The Health Benefits Of Glucose Oxidase

Glucose oxidase is a type of enzyme commonly found in many fungus and bacteria and is one of the many useful enzymes that nature has given us. Commonly found in bee pollen and honey, glucose oxidase plays a key role not only in digestive processes, but also, and perhaps more importantly in overall human health, physical rejuvenation and anti-aging.

Glucose oxidase catalyzes a reaction in which glucose (sugar) produces hydrogen peroxide and glucono-lactone. This reaction effectively consumes the glucose while also exhibiting significant antibacterial activity due to the production of hydrogen peroxide. This is a crucial part of its digestive support, as well as its multiple health benefits.

Here are some of the health benefits and studies that support the benefits of glucose oxidase:

Acts as a natural preservative and probiotic support:
In a study published in the Journal of Dairy Science, it was shown that glucose oxidase can offer a potential alternative to chemical additives for increased survival of probiotic bacteria in yogurt due to its oxidation properties. Similarly, it is also a powerful anti-microbial agent commonly used in food preservation, as it prevents bacterial infestations and spoilage due to oxidation.

Help for Diabetics:
This once obscure enzyme is now being used in home blood glucose monitoring devices for diabetes management. This enzyme can help the device keep track of blood sugar levels via bio-sensor technology.

Natural Antibiotic Properties:
Research shows that raw bee honey has antibiotic properties, and it has been commonly used for centuries as a remedy for many health conditions. Scientists believe that this may be related to the fact that honey contains glucose oxidase.

Natural Antibacterial:
Studies show that Glucose oxidase has in vitro antibacterial activity.

Natural Antiseptic Properties:
Again, in honey, glucose oxidase has the ability to turn glucose into natural hydrogen peroxide antiseptics.

Natural Immune Booster:
Enzymes found in honey, such as glucose oxidase have been shown to help reduce colds, flu and other respiratory infections. One European study on 18,000 patients found that honey drastically helped assist upper respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, asthma and allergies.

Other Health Benefits:
Early medicinal studies also show a connection between the glucose oxidase enzyme and chemotherapeutic properties. Cancer feeds on glucose as its main source of food so in theory glusose oxidase could convert this glucose to hydrogen peroxide thereby starving cancer cells of their food and attacking them with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide therapy is a well known alternative cancer remedy widely used in clinics worldwide.

Glucose Oxidase is measured in GO (Glucose Oxidase Units), where by one Glucose Oxidase Unit is defined as the amount of enzyme that will oxidize 1 µmol of glucose per minute under the assay conditions. The FCC notation stands for Foods Chemical Codex, and is a division of USP (United States Pharmacopeia). It sets standards for ingredients. In the case of enzymes, FCC is a standard assay used to accurately determine the activity of enzymes. The current compendium is FCC VI.

The product VeganZyme™ contains a 100%'; vegan form of Glucose Oxidase produced by the natural fermentation process of Aspergillus niger. It comes from all vegetarian, non-GMO sources, is kosher certified, gluten free, contains no animal product and is completely suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

VeganZyme™ is the most advanced full-spectrum systemic and digestive enzyme formula in the world and is free from fillers and toxic compounds. This formula contains digestive enzymes which help digest fats (lipids), sugars, proteins, carbohydrates, gluten, fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, bran, nuts and seeds, soy, dairy and all other food sources.

VeganZyme™ may also be used as a systemic enzyme blend to break down excess mucus, fibrin, various toxins, allergens, as well as excess clotting factors throughout your body.


Broom WA, Coulthard CE, Gurd MR, Sharpe ME (December 1946). Br J Pharmacol Chemother 1 (4): 225–233. PMCID: PMC1509745Coulthard CE, Michaelis R, Short WF, Sykes G. Notatin: an anti-bacterial glucose-aerodehydrogenase from Penicillium notatum Westling and Penicillium resticulosum sp. nov. Biochem. J. 39 (1): 24–36. PMID: 16747849.What Is Glucose Oxidase? Dairy Sci. 2010 Nov;93(11):5059-68. Processing optimization of probiotic yogurt containing glucose oxidase using response surface methodology. PMID: 20965320The healing power of honey. Raba, Horacio A. Mottola. Glucose Oxidase as an Analytical Reagent DOI:10.1080/10408349508050556 (PDF)

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The 50 Best Quotes About Health & Nutrition

Health Quotes

We recently did another contest on the official Global Healing Center Facebook Page. This time, the contest was to name your favorite healthy quote. Below is a list of quotes about health that we received from our facebook readers.

We would like to invite you to add your own healthy quote in the comments section at the very bottom.

1. “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise”  ~Benjamin Franklin

2. “Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.”  ~John F. Kennedy

3. “The greatest wealth is Health.”  ~Unknown

4. “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”  ~Hippocrates

5. “Just because you’re not sick doesn’t mean you’re healthy”  ~Author Unknown

6. “Those who think they have no time for exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.”  ~Edward Stanley

7. “If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?”  ~Unknown

8. Healthy is merely the slowest rate at which one can die.  ~Unknown

9. “Garbage in garbage out”  ~George Fuechsel

10. “Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon.”  ~Doug Larson

11. “Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.”  ~B.K.S. Iyengar

12. “If you can’t pronounce it, don’t eat it”  ~Common sense

13. “In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.”  ~Author Unknown

14. “Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it.”  ~Josh Billings

15. “Time And health are two precious assets that we don’t recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.”  ~Denis Waitley

16. “From the bitterness of disease man learns the sweetness of health.”  ~Catalan Proverb

17. “Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other.”  ~Joseph Addison

18. “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”  ~Jim Rohn

19. “Your body is a temple, but only if you treat it as one.”  ~Astrid Alauda

20. “Mainstream medicine would be way different if they focused on prevention even half as much as they focused on intervention…”  ~Anonymous

21. “Our bodies are our gardens – our wills are our gardeners.”  ~William Shakespeare

22. “The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.”  ~Robert C. Peale

23. “Health is not simply the absence of sickness.”  ~Hannah Green

24. “My own prescription for health is less paperwork and more running barefoot through the grass”  ~Leslie Grimutter

25. “The more you eat, the less flavor; the less you eat, the more flavor.”  ~Chinese Proverb

26. “The best doctor gives the least medicines.”  ~Benjamin Franklin

27. “The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”  ~Thomas Edison

28. “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”  ~Proverb

29. “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones..”  ~Proverbs 17:22

30. “True healthcare reform starts in your kitchen, not in Washington”  ~Anonymous

To help get us to the number 50, we asked the staff here at Global Healing Center to provide their favorite quotes about health and nutrition. Below are those quotes.

31. “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want, drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.”  ~Mark Twain

32. “To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.”  ~William Londen

33. “A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools.”  ~Spanish Proverb

34. “To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear. Water surrounds the lotus flower, but does not wet its petals.”  ~Buddha

35. “Now there are more overweight people in America than average-weight people. So overweight people are now average. Which means you’ve met your New Year’s resolution.”  ~Jay Leno

36. “Don’t eat anything your great-great grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food. There are a great many food-like items in the supermarket your ancestors wouldn’t recognize as food.. stay away from these”  ~Michael Pollan

37. “Health is a relationship between you and your body”  ~Terri Guillemets

38. “He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors.”  ~Chinese Proverb

39. “Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot.”  ~Dutch Proverb

40. “Diseases of the soul are more dangerous and more numerous than those of the body.”  ~Cicero

41. “A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”  ~Irish Proverb

42. “Water, air, and cleanliness are the chief articles in my pharmacopoeia.”  ~Napoleon I

43. “The ‘I’ in illness is isolation, and the crucial letters in wellness are ‘we’.”  ~Author Unknown

44. “Health of body and mind is a great blessing, if we can bear it.”   ~John Henry Cardinal Newman

45. “Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.”  ~Mike Adams

46. “It’s bizarre that the produce manager is more important to my children’s health than the pediatrician.”  ~Meryl Streep

47. “Healing in a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.”  ~Hippocrates

48. “The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”  ~Plato

49. “Health is merely the slowest way someone can die.”  ~Author Unknown

50. “By cleansing your body on a regular basis and eliminating as many toxins as possible from your environment, your body can begin to heal itself, prevent disease, and become stronger and more resilient than you ever dreamed possible!”  ~Dr. Edward Group III

Above, we listed our favorite quotes about health, but surely we left some of the best quotes off the list. Please add your favorite health quotes in the comment section below.

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Saturday 30 July 2011

American Heart Association: Reducing Daily Salt Intake Recommended for Improved Health

Recommended Salt Intake

Earlier this year, the American Heart Association (AHA) called for a nationwide reduction in daily salt intake, along with tighter government and industry regulations regarding the levels of standard table salt (Sodium Chloride) found in everyday foods.

The AHA’s previous suggestion – set forth in the U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans back in 2005 – called for a maximum upper limit of 2,300 milligrams of salt daily. Most experts now believe that this figure is much too high for the average person, and have lowered the official recommended limit to 1,500 mg per day.

Readily accepted estimates hold that the majority of people consume about twice this newly prescribed amount (roughly one and a half teaspoons of pure salt) each day as part of their regular diet. The bulk of this coming from pre-packaged and restaurant foods. While it’s no secret that the standard American diet is less than ideal, these figures are still cause for concern.

In addition to high blood pressure or hypertension, increased heart attack risk, stroke, and kidney failure are all well known side effects of an increased daily intake of salt. The medical costs of treating these, and other conditions related to excessive table salt intake, also takes a serious toll on our collective pocketbooks.

Current research suggests that by lowering our daily salt intake to match the new 1,500 mg AHA recommendation could reduce mortality due to stroke and heart disease by as much as 20 percent, and save the nation upwards of $24 billion in health care expenses annually.

It’s also important to keep a close eye on the quality of salt that goes into your body, not just the quantity. Hidden toxins found in processed sodium chloride, or table salts, are often overlooked by even the most diligent of consumers. Even sea salt, and other so-called natural forms of sodium, may contain tag-along contaminants simply because the are gathered from polluted sources.

These tag-along contaminants typically include impure forms of iodine, as well as sodium ferrocyanide, and magnesium carbonate. The latter of which is known to depress function of the central nervous system and trigger cardiac disturbances, especially in larger doses.

Besides cutting back on restaurant and other “convenience” foods, which are well documented sources of sodium, the best way to avoid these less obvious hazards is to use only unprocessed salt that is naturally free of environmental toxins when cooking at home. And even when using a top-quality salt, it’s still important to limit your daily salt intake.

Ralph Sacco, M.D., president of the American Heart Association: “Americans deserve the opportunity to choose how much sodium is in the food they eat. By supporting measures that will reduce sodium in the overall food supply, we are giving consumers freedom to select foods that could allow them to meet sodium recommendations and improve their ideal cardiovascular health.” [1]

Himalayan Crystal Salt

Himalayan crystal salt is among the purest in the world. Not only is does its remote, isolated source ensure that it is free of pollutants, but because it’s gathered and processed, and organically packaged entirely by hand, it’s guaranteed to be safe when it reaches the dinner table.

Unlike other forms of salt, which can be toxic to the body, himalayan crystal salt contains 84 minerals and rare trace elements that actually have many benefits for us.

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The Health Benefits of Phytase

Phytase is an enzyme that has the ability to liberate the phosphate and mineral residues from phytic acid (phytate), a compound formed during the maturation process of plant seeds and grains that is commonly found in plant-based foods. Roughly two thirds of the phosphorous present in plant based foods (cereal, wheat and various grains) is bound in the form of phytic phosphate.

Minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc are frequently bound (chelated) as positively charged ions in phytate. Phytase cleaves and frees the bound phosphates from the phytic acid molecule providing essential phosphorus needed for healthy nutrition. In addition, calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium are liberated making these essential minerals available as well.

Phytase is one of the many essential enzymes necessary for the digestive process, and a key enzyme for bone health. Commonly found in plant material, phytase is a natural enzyme often used for breaking down and increasing the nutritional quality of grains, legumes, seeds and corn. Studies confirm that the use of this enzyme can help reduce the need for calcium phosphate and increase digestive health.

Here are some of the health benefits and studies that support the benefits of phytase:

1. Boosts Mineral Absorption & Bioavailability
Recent research shows that supplementing with phytase can significantly increase the body’s ability to absorb and assimilate vital minerals such as calcium, magnesium and iron.

2. Reduction of Phytic Acid in the Body
Phytase helps reduce the negative effects of phytic acid in the body. Many of the plants that we eat such as corn, grains, seeds, legumes, soybeans and most cereals contain high amounts of this acid. Referred to as an “anti-nutritional factor,” these phytates (phytic acid) reduce our ability to absorb nutrients. Phytic acid has been shown to create insoluble complexes with these minerals through its negatively charged phytic acid. This acid has the ability to bind to positively charged molecules in these minerals, as well as in proteins.

3. Reduces Mineral Deficiency
Another study from the Centre for Molecular Biology, Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food in Germany found that phytase supplementation could create strong increases in mineral uptake and reduce phytate content in both cereals as well as for legume-derived food products. Moreover, the phytase from the fungus, Aspergillus, was found to have a broad pH range with at least 80% of the maximal activity at pH values, and optimal results for phytate hydrolysis. This study concluded that phytase supplementation, while typically and traditionally used for the enhanced mineral content in animal feed, had a promising and wide variety of applications for human digestion, particularly for human intestinal alkaline phosphatase. It may also be a way to reduce mineral deficiency in vulnerable groups such as child-bearing women, vegans, vegetarians and people in the developing world.

4. Reduction in Toxic Build-up in the Digestive Tract
Because phytase can break down phytic acid, our digestive process is streamlined and we have less chance of building up excess insoluble complexes in the digestive tract.

5. Cleaves Bound Phosphorus in the Body
Phytase also breaks down bound forms of phosphorus, another way in which it helps us absorb this mineral, as well as iron.

6. Boosts Bone Health
Phytase may help prevent bone loss and reduce osteoporosis. As we all know, phosphorus is an essential element for the growth and protection of bone density. An animal trial done at Auburn university looked into the effects of the phytase enzyme on digestion. Phytase was found to not only increase the availability of phosphorous, but also lead to better body weight, digestive efficiency, and overall bone strength in lab animals. It was also found that Phytase could significantly increase performance in animals.

Phytase releases phosphate from phytate substrates and is measured in FTU (Phytase Activity/g). One FTU is an FCC measurement based on enzymatic hydrolysis of sodium phytate under controlled conditions by measurement of the amount of ortho-phosphate released at 37°C and pH 5.5. The FCC notation stands for Foods Chemical Codex, and is a division of USP (United States Pharmacopeia). It sets standards for ingredients. In the case of enzymes, FCC is a standard assay used to accurately determine the activity of enzymes. The current compendium is FCC VI.

The product VeganZyme™ contains a 100% vegan form of Phytase produced by the natural fermentation process of A. niger. It comes from all vegetarian, non-GMO sources, is kosher certified, gluten free, contains no animal product and is completely suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

VeganZyme™ is the most advanced full-spectrum systemic and digestive enzyme formula in the world and is free from fillers and toxic compounds. This formula contains digestive enzymes which help digest fats (lipids), sugars, proteins, carbohydrates, gluten, fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, bran, nuts and seeds, soy, dairy and all other food sources.

VeganZyme™ may also be used as a systemic enzyme blend to break down excess mucus, fibrin, various toxins, allergens, as well as excess clotting factors throughout your body.


Prochaska, L.J. On the synergistic effects of enzymes in food with enzymes in the human body. A literature survey and analytical report. School of Medicine, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio.1994. PMID: 7935080Loomis, Howard. Indigestion: why HCL, antacids and pancreatin are not the answer. The American Chiropractor. April 1988Greiner R, Konietzny U, Jany K-D. Phytate – an undesirable constituent of plant-based foods? Journal für Ernährungsmedizin 2006; 8 (3), 18-2 PDFAnn-Sofie Sandberg and Henrik Andersson. Effect of Dietary Phytase on the Digestion of Phytate in the Stomach and Small Intestine of Humans. Journal of Nutrition. PDFRalf Greiner and Ursula Konietzny. Phytase for Food Application. Centre for Molecular Biology, Federal Research Centre for Nutrition and Food, Haid-und-Neu-Strasse 9, D-76 131 Karlsruhe, Germany (2006). ISSN 1330-9862 (PDF)R. Greiner, U. Konietzny, Improving enzymatic reduction of myo-inositol phosphates with inhibitory effects on mineral absorption in black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris var. Preto), J. Food Process. Preserv. 23 (1999) 249–261. DOI: 10.1021/jf0100806Syed S. Sohail and David A. Roland, Sr. Fabulous Phytase: Phytase Enzyme Proving Helpful to Poultry Producers and Environment. Volume 46, Number 1, Spring 1999.

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Monday 18 July 2011

The Health Benefits of Catalase

The catalase enzyme is so critical to our health that it is found in nearly every living organism on the planet that is exposed to oxygen. This antioxidant enzyme can catalyze the conversion of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. Hydrogen peroxide is a by-product of cell metabolism, which serves some useful functions including healthy immune response.

Catalase has one of the highest rates of turnover when compared to all other enzymes. In other words, one catalase enzyme can change 40 million molecules of hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen in just one second. In fact, catalase enzymes act to protect our cells, counteracting and balancing the continual production of hydrogen peroxide.

Because of its undeniable, scientifically-proven powerful antioxidant properties, catalase is very beneficial to the organs and body processes. In addition to acting as an super antioxidant, catalase also has the ability to use hydrogen peroxide to oxidize toxins including methanol, ethanol, formic acid, formaldehyde, and nitrite. This type of dual activity makes it a crucial cellular enzyme.

The best supplemental source of catalase is the vegetarian form derived from the fermentation process of the fungus Aspergillus niger.

Here are some of the health benefits and studies that support the Catalase enzyme.

1. Powerful Antioxidant Support
Catalases are perhaps the single most efficient enzymes found in the cells of the human body. Catalase has been shown to create a speedy reaction against hydrogen peroxide free radicals, turning them into water and oxygen.)

2. Possible Anti-Aging & Anti-Degenerative Effects
Catalase is currently being studied for its applications on extending life span and vitality. Research scientists from the University of Washington in Seattle conducted a lab study on rats and the augmentation of natural catalase in their bodies. By supplementing with increased catalase, the life span of these laboratory rats increased by almost 20%. This is the equivalent of nearly 25 human years.

3. Catalase May Increase Lifespan
Dr. David Sinclair of Harvard Medical School stated in The Scientist Magazine that there is a direct link between the catalase enzyme, free radical damage and extending our life span. This also suggests that the catalase enzyme may help ward off degenerative diseases. Similarly, studies done in Russia and Spain also show a correlation between these types of enzymes and the prolongation of life. In 2005, Spanish scientists found that very high doses of apple polyphenols boosted the gene expression of natural catalase in the body. Studies from China on apple polyphenol also confirmed significantly increased catalase.

4. Fat Reduction
Very exciting research from Japan shows a link between catalase and lowered amounts of organ fat in lab rats. This study also showed a link between the enzyme and an increase in muscle strength.

5. Helps Prevent DNA Damage
A 2006 study from the Institute of Cytology and Genetics found that oxidative stress, accumulation of protein and DNA damage could be reduced in the presence of antioxidant enzymes, including catalase and glutathione in the cytosol and mitochondrial extracts from liver cells of rats. This study also found that dietary supplements for increasing the activity of catalase in the liver mitochondria in rats led to reduced mitochondrial dysfunction and slowed the process of aging in these animals.

The Catalase enzyme is an antioxidant measured in the FCC as (Baker Units). One Baker Unit is defined as the amount of catalase that will decompose 264 mg of hydrogen peroxide under the conditions of the assay. The FCC notation stands for Foods Chemical Codex, and is a division of USP (United States Pharmacopeia). It sets standards for ingredients. In the case of enzymes, FCC is a standard assay used to accurately determine the activity of enzymes. The current compendium is FCC VI.

The product VeganZyme™ contains a 100% vegan form of catalase produced by the natural fermentation process of Aspergillis Niger. It comes from all vegetarian, non-GMO sources, is kosher certified, gluten free, contains no animal product and is completely suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

VeganZyme™ is the most advanced full-spectrum systemic and digestive enzyme formula in the world and is free from fillers and toxic compounds. This formula contains digestive enzymes which help digest fats (lipids), sugars, proteins, carbohydrates, gluten, fruits and vegetables, cereals, legumes, bran, nuts and seeds, soy, dairy and all other food sources.

VeganZyme™ may also be used as a systemic enzyme blend to break down excess mucus, fibrin, various toxins, allergens, as well as excess clotting factors throughout your body.


Goodsell DS (2004-09-01). Catalase. Molecule of the Month. RCSB Protein Data Bank. A. Imlay (2003) Pathways of oxidative damage. Annual Review of Microbiology 57, 395- 418. PMID: 14527285J Cell Mol Med. 2006 Jan-Mar;10(1):206-15. Age-associated changes in oxidative damage and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in rats with inherited overgeneration of free radicals. PMID: 16563232Kiyoko KASHIWAGI, Takashi TOBE & Tokuhiko HIGASHI. Studies on Rat Liver Catalase V. Incorporation of 14C-Leucine into Catalase by Isolated Rat Liver Ribosomes. The Journal of Biochemistry > Volume70, Issue5

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Sunday 17 July 2011

13 Natural Remedies For Radiation Exposure

The recent tragic earthquake and nuclear power plant meltdown brought up many concerns involving radiation levels in Japan, and the entire globe. Here at Global Healing Center, we are committed to educating and helping individuals reduce radiation exposure caused by nuclear fallout, as well as everyday exposure to harmful electromagnetic frequencies.

There are multiple harmful effects of radiation, and sadly many of them go unnoticed in the body for some time.

Low level exposure, overtime, can lead to major digestive imbalance, blood alteration and even the destruction of many cellular structures in the body’s key organ and tissue systems. Common signs of low level radiation exposure include symptoms such as fatigue, headaches, nausea, scalp tenderness, scalp discoloration and dry/itchy skin. In extreme cases, lower doses of radiation may also cause brain damage, memory problems, mood changes and reduced listening capacities, psychomotor abilities and information processing times. All good reasons to consider protecting oueselves from this type of exposure.

Large amounts of radiation exposure can have devastating consequences such as bloody vomit, hair loss, nerve damage, blood vessel destruction, seizures and, with prolonged strong exposure, can even lead to death.

Our circulatory system is also vulnerable to radiation. Even very low levels reduces lymphocytes in the blood. When lymphocytes are lowered, we are more likely to get infections, and what is known as mild radiation sickness. Symptoms are flu-like and may increase the likelihood of developing leukaemia and lymphoma in the future. The reproductive system is also vulnerable to exposure. Long-term radiation exposure can even lead to sterility, birth defects and still-births.

Radiation has a direct effect on the thyroid gland, prohibiting its ability to create iodine, an imperative player in healthy DNA integrity, immune function, metabolic and endocrine balance, as well as cardiovascular health. Supplementing with nascent atomic iodine helps counteract the effects of radioactive Iodine. It is one of the single most bio-available forms of iodine, and may be effective in aiding individuals exposed to radiation by lowering accumulated and stored radioactive toxins in the thyroid. Detoxadine® is Global Healing Center’s brand of standardized nano-colloidal nascent atomic iodine manufactured with a unique transformative bio-elemental matrix using a revolutionary process. This means that it will be gentler on your digestive system than other iodine supplements.

In addition to radioactive iodine, the body may also be exposed to a radioactive isotope of caesium known as Cesium-137. This is formed as bi-product of nuclear fission. Potassium orotates can prevent the accumulation of Cesium-137. In fact, getting enough potassium from food such as bananas is a good first step at preventing radioactive cesium 137 retention. That said, potassium in the diet may not be enough. According to the CDC, potassium can play a major role in protecting the body and thyroid gland after an internal contamination, as in the example of the Japanese nuclear reactor explosion. Potassium Orotate is the best form of potassium to use for radiation exposure.

Radiation Remedies

Each of these essential minerals can decontaminate a form of nuclear waste known as Strontium 90. Dr. Linus Pauling recommends calcium supplementation, as it can lower Strontium absorption by up to 90 percent. I recommend using calcium and magnesium orotate found in the product IntraCal.

Dimethylsulfoxide is an antioxidant sulphur compound. Studies show that DMSO actively detoxifies and protects the body from the effects of harmful radiation. One study from Japan found that even small amounts of DMSO offered radio-protective benefits on human DNA and overall cellular structures. It also neutralizes exposure from radio-isotopes. Studies show that the X-irradiation that can damage the body’s Kupffer and serous cells can be prevented with the use of DMSO.. Animal studies also show that rats exposed to x-ray radiation could be protected from the negative effects of the exposure via the intake of DMSO. This chemical could at least partially protect the rats by halting the typical toxicant reactions associated with radiation. Another study from the School of Medicine at the Yokohama City University in Japan found that DMSO offered protective effects for cell destruction, as well as DNA aberrations, in mice exposed to radioactive substances.

Nuclear waste is typically “cleaned” or “stored” in the environment by mixing it with Zeolite clay and packing it underground. Zeolites can attach themselves to and remove nuclear waste from the cellular level. In fact, one European study found that Zeolite clay was an effective decontaminate for animals affected by the nuclear waste disaster in Chemobyl. Zeolite clay can also be taken internally for detoxing radiation. Perhaps the best evidence proving that Zeolite helps detoxification of radiation was its widespread usage in the nuclear meltdowns at Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the British Nuclear Fuels (BNF), where it was used to absorb radioactive strontium and cesium – 137 from walls and floors. Similarly, the United States’ nuclear weapons facilities use Zeolite clay to line walls and floors to prevent toxicity.

There are many types of clays that bond to nuclear waste from the body. Others include Kaolin, Red Clay, Bentonite, Fuller’s Earth, Montmorillonite. French Green Clay is another absorptive clay shown to possess the ability to rid radiation, toxic metals and chemical residues from the human body. This should come as no surprise, as clay has often been used by engineers, and by the environment itself, to remove toxins from the body or ground. Again, it was also used at Chernobyl in 1986. In fact, the former Soviet government added this type of clay to chocolate bars that were then given to citizens to help them remove radioactive waste from the system.

Another wonderful substance heralded for its absorption properties. Studies show that charcoal possesses the unique ability to neutralize radiation, and that 10 grams of charcoal can neutralize up to 7 grams of toxic material.

Papain is a cysteine hydrolase extracted from papaya fruit known for its ability to reduce toxicants. In one laboratory study on rats, it was found that half of rats supplementing with papain could survive a lethal amount of radiation, whereas control rats did not survive.

Initial evidence suggests that bee pollen may significantly lower the negative side effects of radiation exposure, in particular that of radium, x-rays and cobalt-60 radiotherapy. Because exposure to radiation lowers many of your body’s natural vital substances like white and red blood cells and antibodies, bee pollen is a natural way of boosting these vital functions.

Beets - Natural Remedy for Radiation

Upon radiation exposure, the body’s blood haemoglobin can be broken down. Studies show that beets can help aid the body in rebuilding this damaged haemoglobin. In fact, animal lab studies have shown that rats eating a diet heavy in beet pulp were able to more effectively reduce the effects of radioactive cesium-137 than rats who did not eat beets. In fact, the beet-eating rats absorbed and detoxified up to 100 percent more effectively than the control group animals.

Oils such as sesame oil, extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil also help pull radiation out. Sources recommend drinking 4 ounces of oil if you have been exposed. Not only do the lipids in the oils bind the toxins, they also offer a protective layer on cellular membranes. Studies done on mice exposed to lethal doses of x-rays have found that the mice can survive if they are given oil. Another study on mice found that olive oil could protect the mice against high doses of x-rays ranging from 300 to 2,400 roentgens.

Sources recommend using organic Brewers use for prevention against radiation exposure. In terms dosage, 5 mg. to 15 mg. should be given to children, and 25 mg. to 50 mg. can be given to adults. For cases of direct exposure, these amounts can be doubled, or tripled. Brewer’s yeast may aid the body in both repair after exposure, as well as protection.

An oxygen-rich, free-radical scavenging organic compound. When we are exposed to radiation, the rays from this exposure release harmful electrons the kill blood cells (haemoglobin). Organic geranium has been shown to snatch up these radioactive rays, allowing them to move freely inside the nuclear structure of the Germanium, instead of entering the human cells and bloodstream. This is related to geranium’s ability to protect the amino acid cysteine, in the human body. Other studies showed promising results involving the use of germanium-132 and a strong reduction in cell death in those cells exposed to cesium-137 and gamma rays. Currently, the Japanese are recommending 100 mg. per day.

References (not linked in the article)

Dimethyl Sulfoxide: Or DMSO, prevents DNA Nicking Mediated by Ionizing Radiation or Iron/Hydrogen Peroxide-Generated Hydroxyl Radical.PMCID: PMC319933Abok K, Rundquist I, Forsberg B, Brunk U. Dimethylsulfoxide Virchows Arch B Cell Pathol Incl Mol Pathol. 1984;46(4):307-20. Dimethylsulfoxide increases the survival and lysosomal stability of mouse peritoneal macrophages exposed to low-LET ionizing radiation and/or ionic iron in culture. PMID: 6150576 effect of dimethyl sulfoxide on radiation induced chromosome aberrations in cultured CHO cells Khvostunov, Igor; Pyatenko, Valentina; Korovchuk, OlgaWatanabe M, Suzuki M, Suzuki K, Hayakawa Y, Miyazaki T. Radioprotective effects of dimethyl sulfoxide in golden hamster embryo cells exposed to gamma rays at 77 K. II. Protection from lethal, chromosomal, and DNA damage. PMID: 2236498 Markham KR, Campos M. 7- and 8-o-methylherbacetin-3-o-sophorosides from bee pollens and some structure/activity observations. Phytochemistry 1996;43:763-7. doi:10.1016/0031-9422(96)00286-5Buck AC, et al. Treatment of outflow tract obstruction due to benign prostatic hyperplasia with the pollen extract Cernilton, a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Br J Urol 1990;66:398-404. PMID: 1699628

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FDA Announces They Will Consider Ban on Mercury Amalgam Fillings

Nobody enjoys a visit to the dentist. It’s the sort of thing most of us go well out of our way to avoid whenever possible. There are times, however, when even the most vigilant daily flossers have no choice but to bite the bullet and go visit the dentist.

Mercury Amalgam Fillings

Since the early 19th century, mercury amalgam fillings have been used to repair decaying teeth. This practice has come under increasing fire in recent years as more and more people come forth reporting health problems which could be related to the mercury amalgam fillings.

At a U.S Food and Drug Administration sponsored town-hall meeting held in Orlando a few weeks ago, agency officials spoke publicly with over a dozen concerned anti-mercury activists regarding the continued use of the toxic material in dental repairs.

Anti-mercury advocates traveled from all over the nation to participate in the debate. Among them, three practicing dentists, including Dr. James Hardy, author of the book “Mercury Free,” who strongly opposes the use mercury amalgam fillings, and does not offer them as an option to his patients. Although dental fillings made with tooth-colored porcelain or other non-toxic materials, have been available for decades, many people still opt for amalgam because of its comparatively lower cost. Critics argue that this perceived value is one of the primary reasons that mercury continues to make its way into people’s mouths.

Dr. Hardy succinctly noted that while mercury amalgam is considered medically safe while inside the human body, it’s handled and disposed of like a hazardous material once it has been removed because toxic particles are more likely to become airborne. This creates an especially hazardous situation for patients during the extraction of old mercury dental fillings.

The small amount of money potentially saved while in the dentist’s chair doesn’t begin to offset the often massive long term medical expenses many individuals were later forced to endure as, they believe, was a direct result of the mercury amalgam fillings in their mouths.

Mercury Amalgam Fillings

One woman, Freya Koss, traveled all the way from Pennsylvania to tell her story. “I am one of millions of Americans who have suffered grave medical costs from mercury dental fillings,” she said to FDA officials. By her own account, she began experiencing loss of balance, droopy eyes, and double vision following the removal of a single amalgam filling in 1998. Shortly thereafter she was diagnosed with lupus, multiple sclerosis, and a similar neuromuscular disorder known as myasthenia gravis. She states that her symptoms slowly subsided on their own once all of the remaining mercury dental fillings in her mouth had been replaced.

Sensory and fine-motor disruptions are well known symptoms of mercury exposure in manufacturing and industrial settings. Patient-advocates opposed to amalgam fillings, such as Ms. Koss, frequently report mild to moderate tremors, loss of hearing, and garbled speech.

Dr. Jeff Shuren, head of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiologic Health, confirmed that they have”reconvened” the scientific advisory panel to look into whether or not mercury amalgam fillings are safe. However, he did not indicate when a decision would be made, or what action the FDA will take. In his words:

Dr. Jeff Shuren, FDA official: “I empathize with all the people who have experienced medical problems, whatever the cause may be. We take it seriously, which is why we’ve reconvened our scientific advisory panel.” [1]

Despite previous studies, which have shown mercury amalgam fillings to be relatively safe, FDA officials have publicly agreed to reopen their preexisting investigation into its potential long term health risks. While only a small victory for those concerned, it’s at least a step in the right direction.

If you have mercury amalgam fillings or think you may be suffering from mercury toxicity, I would strongly recommend testing yourself using a mineral check test kit or the Mercury Test Kit. These testing kits will help give you a better understanding of how much mercury you have in your body, as well as what you can do about it.

You can also do a heavy metal cleanse, to help you eliminate these toxic substances from your body. It would also be wise to take a closer look at your living environment and diet, and then eliminate anything that could be contributing to your mercury exposure.

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Saturday 16 July 2011

Electrolytes: What Are They & Why Are They So Good For Us?

Electrolytes are ionic solutions (salts), existing in nature in the form of minerals. Electrolytes are responsible for keeping the body properly hydrated so the muscles and nerves can function properly.

What are Electrolytes

Since the human body is composed mostly of water, it is important that we take in adequate amounts of these minerals. What is more, when we are well-hydrated, we are able to release toxic internal wastes such as harmful chemicals, urea and ammonia.

The essential electrolytes most commonly found in the human body are sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, chloride, calcium, and phosphates.

When the kidneys are functioning properly, they are able to regulate concentrations of these vital minerals, in conjunction with fluid levels in the body. As we go about the day, and particularly when we exercise, much of the body’s precious fluid (and mineral electrolytes) are lost. We can also lose these vital salts through urination, vomiting, going to the bathroom (especially diarrhea), and through the liquid content of wounds.

When we sweat, we are particularly apt to lose the minerals sodium, potassium and chloride. This is why athletes are so concerned with replenishing electrolytes after a strenuous workout. In fact, all of the major fluids of the body require large amounts of potassium to function, and 90% of the body’s potassium lies within the cellular walls. For this reason, it is essential to replenish these electrolyte on a daily basis through intake of clean fluids and foods.

When we expend sweat and lose these vital minerals, we need to replenish, not only with water but with minerals. If we combine intake of fluids with electrolytes, we will actually hydrate quicker, as water follows electrolytes. Moreover, taking in electrolytes like sodium reduces the amount of water lost in urination, allowing the fluids to be more readily absorbed back into the muscles, tissue and nerves.

You may think of getting a re-surge in electrolytes from a bottle of Vitamin Water or Gatorade, but truly the best and most natural way of replenishing electrolytes is from food. In fact, sugary sports drinks only provide a quick burst of minerals, but deplete the body over time.

Most fruits and vegetables
Apples, corn, beets, carrots and green beans, are all rich in electrolytes. Other electrolyte-laden fruits and veggies include limes, lemons, oranges, sweet potatoes, artichokes, all types of squash and tomatoes. For best results, choose fruits and vegetables that are organic and, if possible, local to your community.

Nuts and seeds
Most nuts and seeds are very high in electrolytes. For best results, choose nuts that are unprocessed and organic. Add some almonds, cashews, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds or pistachios to your morning cereal of oatmeal.

Lima, red, mung, white and pinto beans are the highest in mineral-rich electrolytes. Beans should be properly spiced to avoid excess gas.

Dark Leafy Greens
Most greens are a great source of the major required electrolytes. Spinach, in particular, is high in minerals. Incorporate more greens into your diet. You can choose from kale, beet greens, mustard greens, bok choy and chard, to name a few. Each of these greens holds sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium, as well as “prebiotics” that foster good gut flora and digestion.

Specifically, bananas are a great source of electrolytes as they are rich in minerals. Potassium is a key form of electrolytes, and this sweet fruit it one of the richest sources of potassium on the planet.

TIP: Putting a pinch of Himalayan salt and a teaspoon or so of organic raw apple cider vinegar in your purified water will replenish electrolytes rapidly. I recommend this to some of the pro athletes I have consulted with.

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