Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

2012 Life As We Know It Will Change!

2012 Will Bring Many Changes in the way we live our lives! Click here to visit Marketing With Spirit.

Must Read Vitamins and Minerals To Be Banned

From time to time, an issue comes along that is so important that we have to devote a newsletter to it, in preference to promoting our products for our short term interest. This is one of those times.

The banning, within months of something as innocuous as vitamins and minerals. Seems incredible doesn't it? Would and could the EU really ban most vitamins and minerals from being available in meaningful dosages? Is something as surreal as this really happening? Unfortunately the answer is yes, and it is very likely under the soon to be finalised EU regulations, and things are not looking good at all.

All this despite the fact that there was not even one death caused by a dietary supplement in 2008, according to the most recent information collected by the U.S. National Poison Data System. The new 174-page annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers, published in the journal Clinical Toxicology, shows zero deaths from multiple vitamins; zero deaths from any of the B vitamins; zero deaths from vitamins A, C, D, or E; and zero deaths from any other vitamin.

(It is conservatively estimated that around 200,000 Americans and 40,000 Brits die every year from the use of correctly prescribed conventional medications).

Yet the EU do not seem to be interested in these facts. Read full newsletter here:

Saturday 21 January 2012

Announcement: Green PolkaDot Box Launches its Organic Online Savings Club

Green PolkaDot Box

Let’s face it; most of us want to eat healthier. But it seems almost impossible for a couple of fundamental reasons: no convenient market that carries organic fruits, veggies, supplements, and packaged and prepared foods; or, maybe more importantly in the age of the internet, organic foods are simply less affordable than conventional foods.

Here at Global Healing Center we are constantly searching for ways to provide our customers with information to help them achieve optimal health. Our most recent discovery is Green PolkaDot Box— an online buyers’ club that sells many organic foods, natural nutritional supplements, and other organic products at prices lower than MSRP that ship directly to any zip code in the US, no trip to the market necessary.

Natural News labels Green PolkaDot Box as the most promising company to compete with Whole Foods.

Green PolkaDot Box is an online buyers’ club/membership store, similar to Sam’s Club and Costco, for those who are familiar with them. You must purchase an annual membership, but the small fee usually pays for itself fairly quick with the savings, depending on how much and how often you buy. Once you have a membership, you can start saving up to 60% immediately and, as an added bonus, orders over $150 are shipped free in the United States.

Club Membership ($50/yr)- Entitles you to 12 months of shopping privileges, the free shipping bonus on orders over $150 and access to their Learning Center.

Rewards Membership ($125/yr)- Includes all of the above, plus it allows you to earn rewards points- 1 point for every dollar spent. These points can be used to purchase products from Green PolkaDot Box. This membership level also works like a multi-tier affiliate program, earning you points for purchases made by other people that you refer to the program.

We encourage our readers to buy from their local farmers as much as they can to support the farmers’ economy and reduce the overall carbon footprint; remember, all of the extra energy consumed in transportation takes its toll on the planet. When buying local is not an option, Green PolkaDot Box will soon offer farm-to-consumer fresh produce that will ship from America’s organic farms directly to its members using an innovative chilling technique to keep it fresh. Earn rewards points for fresh organic fruits and veggies delivered right to your door!

Save up to 60% off organic and non-GMO products. Some of these products are currently being sold at Whole Foods at a higher price.Free shipping on orders over $150, anywhere in the US.Earn rewards points for your purchases and your referrals’ purchases that you can use to get free products.Saves you time when doing your grocery shopping.

Visit to start saving now on your organic foods.

View the original article here

Friday 20 January 2012

ANNOUNCEMENT: Dr. Group will be a guest on The Alex Jones Show on Friday, January 20th

The Alex Jones Show

We are excited to announce that Dr. Group will be a guest this week on The Alex Jones Show on Friday, January 20th at approximately 12:30pm CST.

They will be discussing heavy metal toxicity, it’s effects on your body, and how you can cleanse heavy metal toxins from your system.

Listen to the LIVE Webcast at:

The Alex Jones Show is a nationally syndicated news/talk show based out of Austin, TX. If you’ve never heard of Alex Jones, then you’ve been missing out on some of the most dynamic, hard-hitting radio on the planet. From implanted microchips to the police state, The Alex Jones Show has the daily developments and important guests to bring you the real truth and nothing but.

Other Radio Interviews:

View the original article here

Is Your Home Making You Sick With Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND

I am happy to announce that this coming Tuesday I will be doing a tele cast with Nancy Desjardins, founder and author of a Web site designed to teach the world about Natural Holistic Nutrition.

Join me on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 at 4PM ET as I share my organic methods on how to identify and eliminate toxins in your home.

In my tele cast, you will learn about:

The most dangerous foods in your kitchen and refrigeratorHarmful toxins that are most likely floating in the air inside your homeToxic chemicals in your home water system, dishwasher and laundry machineChemicals and heavy metals most people and kids are exposed to everydayThe Dangers of Using a Microwave OvenHarmful radiation levels in the home

Registration is free- Click here to reserve your space.

View the original article here

Thursday 19 January 2012

Mommy Bloggers Take Aim At New Diapers

Best diapers for babies

There is an ever growing number of mothers, or “mommy bloggers” voicing their opinions. One of the topics this group has discussed is the possible side effects of a new type of slim-profile Pampers brand diaper manufactured by Proctor & Gamble.

The new diapers utilize an advanced form of what the company has dubbed “dry max technology.” This is basically just a marketing catch phrase for super absorbent synthetic polymers that are able to absorb significantly more fluid than their more natural counterparts.

Proctor & Gamble claim the new technology makes the new diapers 20 percent less bulky than previous Pampers, and reduces the product’s environmental footprint by a considerable amount.  However, many moms are more concerned with the impact the new diapers have on their baby’s skin than the environment.


A number of mommy bloggers immediately reported seeing severe skin irritation soon after trying the new Pampers. In some cases, this apparently went well beyond the normal limits of diaper rash, leading one mother to refer to it as a “chemical burn”.  In an effort to better understand the cause of the irritation, one popular blogger examined the inside of one of the new diapers and compared it to an older one. They found that the new Pampers no longer use a mesh liner to hold in the absorbent material, (presumably because the new material expands less) as well as new fragrances and possibly a new form of adhesive binding.

Something Else to Consider

The resulting rashes have proven difficult to consistently reproduce and some experts are still skeptical that the updated diapers are the actual cause of the abnormally pronounced irritation. Specifically, they cite the absence of any truly new chemicals in the product in addition to the rigorous tests all such products undergo prior to their release. There is a fairly strong possibility of irritation any time changes are made to the materials that come into contact with human skin. Especially baby skin. This applies to everything from a new pair of socks to changes in detergent.  

What Can I Do to Prevent This at Home?

Regardless of whether or not these new diapers are the cause of the irritation, they are not the best option for young skin or the environment. Nearly all big-name diapers use similar technology and produce considerable amounts of trash. Switching to cloth or all-natural organic diapers is a great way to reduce the chemicals your child’s most sensitive areas are exposed to. Still, it’s no guarantee that your young one will never experience a case of diaper rash. I recommend natural remedies for diaper rash.

-Dr. G

View the original article here

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Study: Leafy Green Vegetables May Boost Your Immune Defenses

Green Veggies And Immune System

Heated battles have raged across the world’s dinner tables for about as long as anyone can remember. The topic of this unending debate? Vegetables.

Despite their most valiant efforts many parents still struggle with their kids about eating their nightly serving of greens. Visiting your local farmers markets, fresher produce and more interesting/flavorful recipes have been helping to slowly turn the tide, but arming yourself with a little extra knowledge before going into battle doesn’t usually hurt either.

According to newly presented research, eating green vegetables may be an even better way to our bodies healthy than we could have possibly guessed. In addition to being a well-known source of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients, not to mention both soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, it seems that green vegetables of all types are also a key source of specialized chemical signals that our immune systems use to self-communicate.

Researchers working with the Barbraham Institute, an independently operated biomedical science center closely aligned with Cambridge University in England, have discovered a new connection between cruciferous, or leafy green vegetables, body-wide immune response.

By examining the effects of an artificially controlled diet, completely lacking and green vegetable matter, in laboratory mice, the Barbraham researchers were able to show a marked decline in immune capability over a relatively short span of time. In fact, in as little as two to three weeks, most of their test mice showed a staggering 70-80% reduction in intra-epithelial lymphocytes (IELs)—a fundamental component of healthy immune function in most mammals, including both mice and humans.

Seeing this, the researchers were able to then trace a complex, multistage relationship between specific chemical compounds found in green cruciferous vegetables, IEL cells, and a cell-surface protein, scientifically referred to as aryl hydrocarbon receptors (AhRs). Essentially, they believe that the chemicals found primarily in these vegetables trigger activity in AhR proteins, which in turn seem to at least partially regulate the production of IEL cells throughout the body.

What’s more, AhR proteins play their own additional role in immune defense outside of IEL production. While IEL cells are best known for destroying foreign and infectious material to protect their parent organism, AhR also help to maintain intracellular genetic integrity by acting as a sort of glue which holds DNA together and makes it less vulnerable to attack.

The research team behind this initial investigation is however quick to point out that their findings are only preliminary, and have so far only been examined in laboratory animals. A great deal of additional study is still needed to determine whether or not these same chemical relationships fully apply to humans. But we do know for a fact, that consuming more and more green vegetables are definitely a great way to improve your diet.

While these new findings may be a bit abstract for some kids to really sink their teeth into, it doesn’t change the fact there they give us all yet another reason to make sure get in our daily servings of green vegetables — even if they aren’t always our favorite thing on the menu.

Are you getting enough leafy green vegetables in your diet? Let’s discuss, in the comments below!

~Dr. G

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NRG Laser: An Amazing Technology That May Improve Your Health

NRG Laser Therapy

Hi everyone I would like to share some amazing technology with you. I have been researching a fairly new device used to balance the body and eliminate a host of negative health conditions using advanced laser frequency technology.

It’s called NRGnano Biofeedback – cold laser therapy. It actually tests the body’s reaction to THOUSANDS of frequencies (foods, allergens, chemicals, etc) and imprints balancing frequencies back into the body using a cold laser. It’s simply amazing! The focus of this therapy is on allergies, the inflammatory trigger to many symptoms.

This process is totally painless and I would highly recommend you try this if you or someone you know is suffering from:

AllergiesFrequent coldsHeadaches/MigrainesDepression/AnxietySkin Irritations (psoriasis/eczema)Sleep Disorders“After nine treatments with the NRG, my horrible allergies and rashes have disappeared”.“After completing the series of treatments, my allergies are gone. Amazing”“Nothing has ever worked before for my allergies and respiratory issues. I’ve even had allergy injections which were extremely painful. I feel like I got my life back!”

If you are in the Houston or surrounding area, give Paddy a call at 713-408-3456 to learn more.

Dr. G

View the original article here

Friday 16 December 2011

15 Foods High in Folic Acid

It’s important to get adequate amounts of folic acid in the diet for a variety of health reasons, both physical and mental, but mostly for cellular growth and regeneration. In fact, a recent article from the New York Times named folic acid one of the most “luscious micronutrients” found in foods, and multiple studies suggest that a lack of folic acid may lead to mental conditions such as depression.

Physiologically, consuming enough folic acid allows the body to perform many of its essential functions, including nucleotide biosynthesis in cells, DNA synthesis and repair, red blood cell creation, and also helps to prevent anemia. Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is perhaps most well known for its applications in the prevention of fetal deformities, Alzheimer’s disease, as well as several types of cancer. The good news is that there are many rich sources of folic acid that are easy to incorporate into your daily diet.

The following list will discuss the top ten foods with folic acid. Of course, organic is best (especially if you are pregnant!).

Spinach Folic Acid Food

It should come as no surprise that one of the planet’s healthiest foods is also one of the highest in folate. For an immediate boost in folic acid, consider adding more spinach, collard greens, kale, turnip greens and romaine lettuce into your daily diet. Just one large plate of these delicious leafy greens can provide you with almost all of your daily needs for folic acid.

Below is a short list of leafy greens that are high in folic acid.

Spinach — 1 cup = 263 mcg of folate (65% DV)Collard Greens — 1 cup = 177 mcg of folate (44% DV)Turnip Greens — 1 cup = 170 mcg of folate (42% DV)Mustard Greens — 1 cup = 103 mcg of folate (26% DV)Romaine Lettuce — 1 cup = 76 mcg of folate (19% DV)

Asparagus is high in folic acid

This woody treat is perhaps the most nutrient dense foods with folic acid out of the entire vegetable kingdom. Eating just one cup of boiled asparagus will give you 262 mcg of folic acid, which accounts for approximately 65% of your daily needs. Not only is asparagus a delicious snack, but it’s also full of nutrients your body craves, including Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Manganese.

Broccoli Has Folate

Not only is broccoli one of the best detox foods you can eat, it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of broccoli will provide you with approximately 24% of your daily folic acid needs, not to mention a whole host of other important nutrients. We recommend eating organic broccoli raw or lightly steamed.

Papaya is high in folic acid

Many fruits contain folic acid, but citrus fruits rank the highest. Oranges are an especially rich source of folic acid. One orange holds about 50 mcg, and a large glass of juice may contain even more. Other folate-rich fruits include papaya, grapefruit, grapes, banana, cantaloupe and strawberries. Here is a short list of fruits high in folic acid.

Papaya — One papaya = 115 mcg of folate (29% DV)Oranges — One orange = 40 mcg of folate (10% DV)Grapefruit — One grapefruit = 30 mcg of folate (8% DV)Strawberries — 1 cup = 25 mcg of folate (6.5% DV)Raspberries — 1 cup = 14 mcg of folate (4% DV)

Beans are the best folic acid food

Beans and pulses especially high in folic acid include pinto beans, lima beans, green peas, black-eyed peas and kidney beans. Similarly, a small bowl of any type of lentils will give you the majority of your recommended daily amounts for folate. Here is a short list of how much which beans have the most folic acid.

Lentils — 1 cup = 358 mcg of folate (90% DV)Pinto Beans — 1 cup = 294 mcg of folate (74% DV)Garbanzo Beans — 1 cup = 282 mcg of folate (71% DV)Black Beans — 1 cup = 256 mcg of folate (64% DV)Navy Beans — 1 cup = 254 mcg of folate (64% DV)Kidney Beans — 1 cup = 229 mcg of folate (57% DV)Lima Beans — 1 cup = 156 mcg of folate (39% DV)Split Peas — 1 cup = 127 mcg of folate (32% DV)Green Peas — 1 cup = 101 mcg of folate (25% DV)Green Beans — 1 cup = 42 mcg of folate (10% DV)

Avocados are high in folic acid

The most beloved vegetable of Mexican fare, the buttery avocado holds up to 90mcg of folate per cup, which accounts for appoximately 22% of your daily needs. Not only are avocados one of the best foods with folic acid, but it’s also an excellent source of fatty acids, vitamin K and dietary fiber. Adding them to sandwiches or salads will make for an extra-healthy treat.

Okra is a Folic Acid Food

The world’s slimiest veggie is also one of the most nutrient rich. Okra has the distinct ability to simultaneously offer vitamins and minerals while cleansing the entire digestive tract from toxic build-up. When it comes to folate, Okra is a great source. Just one cup of cooked okra will give you approximately 37 mcg of folic acid.

Brussel Sprouts

While brussel sprouts probably isn’t your favorite vegetable, there is no denying that they are one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled brussel sprouts will give you approximately 25% of your daily recommended amount. Brussel sprouts are also high in vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese and potassium. Even with the abundance of nutrients, it still remains incredibly difficult to convince your kid to give them a try.

It doesn’t matter if it’s pumpkin, sesame, sunflower or flax seeds, eating them raw or sprouted, or sprinkling them onto your next salad will add a healthy dose of folic acid. Sunflower seeds, flax seeds and peanuts are especially high in folate, with one cup offering up to 300 mcg. Nuts are also very high in folic acid, with both peanuts and almonds ranking especially high. Below is a short list of the best seeds and nuts for folic acid.

Sunflower Seeds — ¼ cup = 82 mcg of folate (21% DV)Peanuts — ¼ cup = 88 mcg of folate (22%)Flax Seeds — 2 tbs = 54 mcg of folate (14% DV)Almonds — 1 cup = 46 mcg pf fp;ate (12% DV)

Cauliflower has folate

This cruciferous vegetable is typically regarded as one of the best vitamin C foods, but it’s also a great source for folic acid. Eating just one cup of boiled cauliflower will give you approximately 55 mcg of folate, accounting for 14% of your recommended daily value. We recommend adding fresh cauliflower to a salad with some of the other folic acid foods on this list.

Beets have folate

Beets are a great source for antioxidants that provide detox support, making them one of the best liver cleanse foods on the planet. While that’s a great reason to add them to your diet, beets are also known as one of the best foods with folic acid. Eating one cup of boiled beets will provide you with approximately 136 mcg of folate, accounting for 34% of your daily needs.

Organic Corn

You probably have a can of corn in your pantry right now. This popular vegetable also contains plenty of folate. Just one cup of cooked corn will give you approximately 76 mcg of folic acid, accounting for almost 20% of your daily needs. We would recommend avoiding canned veggies and opting for fresh and organic.


Celery is commonly regarded as a great food to help with kidney stones, but did you know it’s also a great source for folic acid? Just one cup of raw celery will give you approximately 34 mcg of folate, accounting for 8% of your daily needs.

Carrots are delicious

Carrots are another extremely popular vegetable that is probably in your home right now. Just one cup of raw carrots will give you almost 5% of your daily recommended needs for folic acid. Eat baby carrots as a snack or add them to your salads for a folate boost!


Squash may not be the most popular vegetable for your family, but there is no denying its nutritional benefits. Whether it’s summer squash or winter squash, adding this veggie to your diet will help give you a boost in folic acid. Here is a breakdown of how much folate can be found in squash.

Winter squash — 1 cup = 57 mcg of folate (14% DV) Summer Squash — 1 cup = 36 mcg of folate (9% DV)

These are just a few of the foods with folic acid. What would you add to this list? Will you add more of these foods to your diet? Let’s hear your thoughts in the comments below.

~Dr. G

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